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Flatus Poems - Poems about Flatus

Flatus Poems - Examples of all types of poems about flatus to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for flatus.
... Some numpty bad mouthed my soup style I’ve taken a break for a while But I won't be deterred From writing about turd And subjects some others deem vile I’m producing book numbe......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, anti bullying, how i
Form: Limerick
The Perfect World of Word's Mundus Verborum Perfectus
...In regnis verborum, ubi somnia avolant, Versum componam virtute purissima. Calamo in manu, cor meum flagrat, Narrabo fabulam, notissimam unquam. Super tabula caelesti gratiae, Colores amplexus......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse

Birds of Flight
...two birds flying for fortnight together flew down to settle resting in branches of periwinkle standing, gasping with freedom of flatus then smell the sweet scents of the princess flower of the n......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, adventure, beautiful, engagement, happiness,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Getting Old Is Getting Old
...I've grown a bit slower, I've grown a bit fatter, my mission each hour: relieving my bladder. When I was a youngster, I had no idea old coots who eat fruits will just get diarrhea. My eyesi......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, age, old,
Form: Rhyme
River Filters
...The Ohio wipes its face every few miles. This bend in the river forgets the wharfs, the gravel silos and power plants, only occasional coal barges push an industrial flatus before them. Here......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, poetry,
Form: Free verse

...Cloud What can we say about a cloud to say it is gloomy is patently wrong you can say it is white, grey or black (dark) but a cloud doesn't know it is a cloud it is the few things in nature......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, blue, confidence,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Dinotopia
...Tyrannosaurus have come to bore us till the next Jurassic Park movie’s nigh Archaeopteryx’s feathers look more like sticks who believes this lizard could fly? Triceratops were dutiful pops sti......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, children, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Silent Butt Deadly - Hoof Hearted
...He’d eaten baked beans for his brunch Then onion rings he did munch He built up so much gas Which he then had to pass The odour it sure packed a punch Poor Michael was quite broken......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, body, food, humorous, wind,
Form: Limerick
Deadly Flatus
...I accidentally let one loose one you hope no one had noticed so guilty, face like a red spruce acting like I hadn't the remotest, It was lethal, Silent and deadly people retching, gasping f......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, confusion, death, humorous, mystery,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The 'F' Word For Alliteration Contest
...Flatulent Franco from France frequently farts Fetid foul fetor fumes fill French foyers Francophile females feign fainting Fanning flatus from frowning faces! Alliteration Contest ......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, body, humorous, senses, wind,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Tom Sawyer
...Old Tom Sawyer went into St Bart’s He said “Doc I am dropping huge farts” The doc got a large trowel To examine Tom’s bowel As Tom’s flatus was way off the charts! Doc announced, “......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, body, humorous, wind,
Form: Limerick
Flatulance Forum Farce
...Based on BBC news article "Fart in parliament: Row blows up in Canada" Should our leaders discuss debt? Under which we toil and swea......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, funny, humor, humorous, nonsense,
Form: Verse
Cattle and Suv's
...Polar bears, spotted owls and honey bees Care nothing of scientific debates Over flatus of cattle and SUV’s. Some drop big oil drills and some drop big trees To provide a place for our dinner ......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, environment, political, satire, planet,
Form: Villanelle
...Retched scent en fuego Wet bac-te-ria infested Flatus monkey poop......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, funny,
Form: Haiku
...Stressed? Another story hot off the press Should you want to lower stress Johns Hopskins research found a link That somehow soon may raise a stink Hydrogen Sulfide found in flatus Appears to have a ......Read the rest...
Categories: flatus, health,
Form: Rhyme

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