You Were Always On My Mind
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Dr. Chris J. Frogley
From about ten years ago, I found this picture of him. He coincidentally ended up in a new state, the one where I live, and has a chiropractor practice north of Salt Lake.
For Jay Narin's 'You are or were always on my mind' Poetry Contest
"On the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true, so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue" - part of the chorus from "Close to You" by the Carpenters
Throughout my teenage years of youth
when I was in and out
of puppy love with many guys,
I loved you most, no doubt.
Your hair so fair, a silky blonde;
your eyes blue like the sea.
I saw you dance with other girls.
You never danced with me.
In all that time, I’d think of you,
especially when the song
“Close to You” was playing.
It was for you I’d long.
Created by the angels,
the song sure got that right.
Yours was the face I saw
when I fell to sleep at night.
You lived not in my city,
but at least eight times a year,
at functions for youth of my church,
your voice I’d get to hear.
They chose you to give speeches.
You were smart and popular.
I wished I could attach myself
to you and ride your star!
But not a word to me
did I hear you ever say.
You saw me, yet you chose
from me to turn away.
I’ve learned you are successful,
but are you always kind?
You never were to me though
you were always on my mind.
Copyright © Andrea Dietrich | Year Posted 2024
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