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Walking My Tiger Home

My protests were ignored! He lept and then ran, Shooting out the door At about a quarter to four. Now, he is running free. I know he feels good. Frisky and full of glee Is how he likes to be. I looked outside When the clock said five. There lay three critters And none were alive. These were gifts to me, Given that I may feed. He was quite proud To serve my need. I called out his name, Played the waiting game, Standing in airy silence Because he never came. With hands on hips, I checked again at six. There lay a mouse Doing tortured flips. I had enough of this! His behavior must be nixed. His hunting must be stopped Before another life is popped. I walked the streets Shaking his treats, Calling his name And smiled when he came. The hunting, fierce beast Now lay small at my feet In the middle of the street, Purring for his treats. My anger was released As I rubbed a soft crease. He rolled over with ease To show he was pleased. Now, a little before seven, I began some quick stepping, Heading for our home haven To shelter my killing felon. Snuggling him in my arms So no other life was harmed, I cooed in babyish tones While walking my tiger home. ... CayCay Jennings July 27, 2016

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 8/28/2016 10:44:00 PM
Puddys can be fierce hunters, they usually jump 3 feet in the air when a brownie strikes at em. Momma loves her puddy:} I lived away in the Aussie bush, grey Cat escaped a smoky moosh{face}, he was eating Brown Snakes, brought Rabbit for his Doggie mates, a smoky kind of Puss.
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Date: 8/1/2016 4:58:00 PM
Very nice......
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Date: 7/30/2016 10:19:00 AM
Delightfully entertaining, CayCay:) This poem is like your 'tiger', fast moving, smooth and lovely! Just like our Smokey! Regards // paul
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Date: 7/28/2016 4:33:00 PM
Hi CayCay, You penned such a delightful tale. Good imagery and content. I liked the touch of humor as well. Best of luck in the contest:-) Alexis
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Date: 7/28/2016 8:34:00 AM
Very nicely penned CayCay...a wonderful "tiger' wishes...
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Date: 7/28/2016 1:44:00 AM
ahhh, now talk about imagination. /this is so awesome. it did not even occur to me just to do a cute little housecat called Tiger!!!
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Date: 7/28/2016 12:31:00 AM
Wow...That's some kitty you got there! ;) Great write CayCay. Good luck in the contest. Sorry I haven't visited for a while. I've been away...Hugs
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Date: 7/27/2016 8:10:00 PM
Nice imagery and take on the theme CayCay; g/l in the contest!:)
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Date: 7/27/2016 6:37:00 PM
Caycay, this is delightful, it is amazing how our sweet purring bundles of fur turn into murders so quickly, a winner~
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Date: 7/27/2016 6:11:00 PM
Right sweet...
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Date: 7/27/2016 6:03:00 PM
The little "Minx" - A very enjoyable and relatable read . . . : )
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Date: 7/27/2016 5:47:00 PM
The descriptive imagery made me smile Caycay - our cat was always bringing 'little presents' and we would find the remains on the doorstep:-) good luck in the contest - like your take on the theme:-) hugs jan xx
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