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Ukrainian Senyru

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SCARRED FOR LIFE children are screaming they have the thousand mile stare ~ traumatised for life TEARFUL GOODBYES at the rail station dad's hug their wives and children ~ say goodbye with tears GUTLESS COWARDS cowardly russians indiscriminate firing ~ a mound of rubble MEN AND WOMEN OF HONOUR proud ukrainians their bravery unsurpassed ~ russians retreating HARBINGER OF DOOM sounds of the cities the wail of air raid sirens ~ herald deaths approach LOWEST FORM OF LIFE lone women and kids predators and peadophiles ~ preying on the weak PERVERTED COWARDS men and women stripped and humiliated ~ russian physchopaths ANSWERING THE CALL non ukrainians International legion ~ help fight aggression MASS MURDERER visions of grandeur twisted ideologies ~ vladimar putin AN HONOURABLE MAN the man of the hour president vol zelensky ~ stands with his people UKRAINIAN STATE FLAG bright blue and yellow a symbol of defiance ~ flutters in the breeze WRITTEN 30TH MARCH 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 5/6/2022 1:37:00 PM
"traumatized for life" - sadly this is write.
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Date: 4/12/2022 8:15:00 AM
Dear Tom - You truly write with dignity and grace on this very disturbing issue that is happening. Love Peace and Prayers to all in the world. I hope all is well with you these days. Remain safe. Blessings always.
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 4/12/2022 9:00:00 AM
Thank you very much Lisa, heartbreaking to see the reports coming out of Ukraine. The innocent civilians are no threat to that monster Putin. Tom
Date: 4/6/2022 11:05:00 PM
Well done Tom. My daughter's boyfriend is from the Ukraine and still has relatives over there including his mom and dad. I can only imagine how he feels. A fine write. God Bless, JB
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 4/7/2022 12:30:00 AM
Thank you Judy, I get so angry watching the news, how those poor innocent people are suffering. Tom
Date: 4/6/2022 12:15:00 PM
hmm, I missed these somehow. Great job. I really love the last one. It's very much like a haiku for me
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 4/6/2022 1:50:00 PM
Thank you very much Andrea, I'm happy you enjoyed them. Tom
Date: 4/6/2022 5:26:00 AM
- Excellent ... all with different messages -Hope all is well with you :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 4/6/2022 6:39:00 AM
Thank you very much Anne, im keeping well and I hope that you are too Tom
Date: 4/4/2022 7:01:00 PM
Tom, brilliant job highlighting both the valor of the Ukrainians and the dishonor of Putin and his band of murderers and rapists. It's gut wrenching.
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 4/4/2022 10:50:00 PM
Thank you very much John, it's so depressing watching the news reports, I can't believe in this day and age a supposed civilised country is waging a brutal war and carrying out atrocities against innocent civilians. Tom
Date: 4/2/2022 9:56:00 PM
Hi Tom, I like all the different facets of the Ukrainian situation that you depict here.
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 4/3/2022 12:37:00 AM
Thank you Jennifer, it's just what I've picked up from reading and seeing the heartbreaking news. Tom
Date: 4/2/2022 12:31:00 PM
I can not imagine what they must be going through at this time. I can only pray for a peaceful agreement to end the death and destruction. Thanks for your visit. Sara
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 4/3/2022 12:35:00 AM
Thank you very much Sara, the mighty Russian army is no more, their reputation is in tatters. War criminals the lot of them. Tom
Date: 4/2/2022 12:00:00 AM
Very beautiful... but not all Russians are gutless cowards or psychopaths. Have you seen the demonstrations against the war in Russia? Putin, I understand...
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Salehi Avatar
Pashang Salehi
Date: 4/2/2022 4:57:00 PM
Indeed...The problem is the human species... I hope I come back as an earthworm in my next life if there is one.
Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 4/2/2022 7:35:00 AM
Thank you very much Pashang, I agree, many are against the war and have been arrested for protesting, unlike the scum targeting innocent civilians in Ukraine. Tom
Date: 4/1/2022 5:06:00 PM
Thanks for the excellent senryus on the horrors taking occurring in Ukraine, Tom. He is struggling to keep up with the pace, according to several sources. Nevertheless, in the event that Putin continues his homicidal drive to gain control of Ukraine, he will be eternally known as Russia's murdering despot.
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 4/1/2022 11:03:00 PM
Thank you Lasaad, he was totally misled by his advisors and now looks a fool on the world stage. Russia hasn't got the mighty army we thought they had, the only worry is in desparation he might use a nuclear weapon. Surely there must be an intelligent member of his inner circle that can see he's going to fail big time. Tom
Date: 4/1/2022 6:36:00 AM
Tom, you're doing your part. If all did so with aggression for political & selfish justification, we would save billions since World War 2. Ukraine may we'll be russuas Afghanistan. Shalom shalom. A FAVE
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 4/1/2022 7:10:00 AM
Thank you very much Anil, watching reports on TV is heartbreaking to see, Ukraine was never a threat to Russia. I only can help by writing about it, I wish that I could do more. Thanks too for the fave. Tom
Date: 4/1/2022 3:52:00 AM
Tears shed for Ukraine/Destruction unparalled/Hope not extinguished.....Delice
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Tom Cunningham
Date: 4/1/2022 4:53:00 AM
Thank you very much Delice, I'm surprised the west allowed it to happen, had Nato troops been in Ukraine conducting an exercise he would never have invaded. Hope you're well and on the mend. Tom
Date: 4/1/2022 2:47:00 AM
An alphabet of tragedy and pain brilliantly spelled out. Congratulations, my dearest friend, Tom. Blessings.
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 4/1/2022 3:36:00 AM
Thank you very much Demetrios, you cannot fail to be impressed by the strength of the Ukrainian people who are resisting a force more powerful than them. Tom
Date: 3/31/2022 6:05:00 PM
Outstanding senryus about the horror taking place in Ukraine. Thanks, Tom! ~ Gershon
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 3/31/2022 9:27:00 PM
Thank you very much Gershon, why is that dog still living,? , hopefully it won't be too long that we hear some good news. Tom
Date: 3/31/2022 11:31:00 AM
Another sad day in History, Tom. You certainly have described in detail. It's so gut wrenching to see this happening and yet the world just watches as a dictator takes over a country. President Zelensky is emerging as a strong leader. Excellently written. Blessings ~ Debra
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 3/31/2022 3:24:00 PM
Thank you very much Debra. When Putin was on the border saying they were on exercise I think NATO should have gone into Ukraine and done the same, he might have thought twice about invading. Sadly too late now. Heartbreaking watching the news. Hope your week is going well. Tom
Date: 3/30/2022 9:26:00 PM
Excellent Tom, i know its argumentive, but for Europe to stand by and fail physically to help, and with NATO there defies belief, when bombing of civilians, and hospital, and the whole wide world (and some supporters) watch daily on tv.
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Leffanta Avatar
Rico Leffanta
Date: 3/31/2022 11:06:00 AM
Self-interest. EU do not want the USA sticking its nose in their business, and continuing the supply of cheap fuel is in EU's best interest. Whilst Biden castigates Putin, Germany privately negotiates to buy Russian fuel without paying Rubles . . . . .
Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 3/30/2022 10:59:00 PM
Thank you Harry, I agree, cut the red tape and make them a member. The so called mighty Russian army have been stalled by Ukrainians, many before the invasion were office workers etc. If that dog Putin succeeds he'll do it again. He boasts about nuclear weapons but forgets we have them too. From a humanitarian view I would have gone in when they started murdering civilians, Russian scum can't fight man to man but resort to indiscriminate bombing from a safe distance. He'll never be brought to trial for war crimes because he'll never leave Russia. The only hope is one of his own will take him out. Severe sanctions should not be removed if they pull out but kept until he's removed from power. China is watching and if he pulls it off they'll be looking at Taiwan. Worrying times for sure. Tom
Horsman Avatar
Harry Horsman
Date: 3/30/2022 9:36:00 PM
Tom in my opinion, NATO should have sign Ukraine up as a member on day one of the invasion, giving Putin 12 hours to retreat. I know again, argumentive, but this is international bullying, and with what as taken place, and the so called help. thousands will die, be displaced, have no homes to return to. The Ukrainians, have shown the world what an amazing people they are.
Date: 3/30/2022 1:36:00 PM
I can almost lay my head on a block that you will get POTD for this tomorrow, intense poetry, remarkably executed. Jennifer
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Tom Cunningham
Date: 3/30/2022 1:39:00 PM
Thank you very much Jennifer, some of the horrors I've heard made me feel sick, Russian scum took it in turns raping a 15 year old girl whilst her Mother lay dying and bled to death. I hope they get killed by Ukrainian bullets. Tom
Date: 3/30/2022 11:02:00 AM
On the Japanese News last night, an artist painted her shed with the Ukrainian flag, but the field of yellow was all yellow flowers to represent the Ukrainians killed by Putin . . . .Aloha!
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Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 3/30/2022 1:34:00 PM
Thank you very much Rico, I must look that up I'd heard the sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine. Tom
Date: 3/30/2022 8:23:00 AM
Sir Tom, or should I now address you as Astronaut Tom? You never cease to amaze me with your humor and your writing talent. The world watches as this warmonger sends his troops to murder, rape and pillage. How heartless! You always manage to capture the crux of issue, no matter what poetic form you choose. Well done. Do you have an accurate bead to fire on the target from above?
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Logan Avatar
Jenna Logan
Date: 3/30/2022 10:18:00 AM
Another rat has crawled down into the sewer like Saddam Hussein. Pasty white, with a black soul, Putin will be found.
Cunningham Avatar
Tom Cunningham
Date: 3/30/2022 8:55:00 AM
Lol thank you Jenna, I do get around. So heartbreaking watching the news lately, how those poor people have suffered and for what, to quench the thirst of that power hungry poor excuse for a human being. Its been reported that the Rat is sheltering in a bunker in the Ural mountains so a drone can't take him out, I'm looking forward to the news that says he's been assassinated. We live in hope. Tom
Date: 3/30/2022 8:00:00 AM
Tom, The world brings change, sometimes sudden and catastrophic. Hard lessons learned in formidable words captured in Senryu of a golden heart. -Richard
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Tom Cunningham
Date: 3/30/2022 8:45:00 AM
Thank you very much Richard, this change brought about by a mongrel in the Kremlin. I'm hoping someone with an ounce of decency does the right thing and takes him out for the good of all humanity. Hope you're keeping well. Tom
Date: 3/30/2022 6:13:00 AM
Every poem is an excellent image that the world can relate to, Tom. You have captured the tragedies imposed on innocent people by a mad man. The world must not forgive such behavior.
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Tom Cunningham
Date: 3/30/2022 6:42:00 AM
Thank you very much Vijay, whilst he's in power we should never loosen the sanctions against him. He can never leave Russia because being a war criminal he'd be arrested. Tom
Date: 3/30/2022 5:15:00 AM
You captured the plight of the poor Ukrainians very well. Deserves a POTD for this. Well done Tom.
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Tom Cunningham
Date: 3/30/2022 6:04:00 AM
Thank you very much Victor, a terrible humanitarian tragedy is unfolding before our eyes, we need to step up more pressure on Putin the dog. Tom
Date: 3/30/2022 5:09:00 AM
Nicely done Tom~your series of Senyru poems paints a mural of the fight for survival amongst the mass destruction being inflicted upon them~the innocent. Blessings,Paulette
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Tom Cunningham
Date: 3/30/2022 6:06:00 AM
Thank you very much Paulette, they are a proud nation and putting up a stiff resistance to Russian aggression. Sadly the innocent are caught up in it. Tom
Date: 3/30/2022 4:44:00 AM
Great series of senryu.... depicting the destruction and the misery brought by the Russian war on Ukrainians ! Of all I like Gutless Cowards and Mass Murderer !
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Tom Cunningham
Date: 3/30/2022 4:52:00 AM
Thank you very much Valsa, you can't help but admire the determination and strength of the Ukrainian people standing up to an aggressor who heavily out numbers them. Tom

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