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Uk Closed

Winter has returned snow is on it’s way everyone concerned ready for crippling delay, trains delayed some can’t run planes are grounded schools close, kids have fun Other countries are dumbfounded our islands not alike the rest any inclement weather it will close it’s called beast from the west just because cold wind blows, Scandinavia we need answers how can Britain carry on going to acquire your country’s standards until this chilly wind stops blowing.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 3/5/2018 11:23:00 AM
We've had snow which closed the schools then storm Emma blazed in and left a trail of destruction across our little island and the infrastructure here and in the UK just can't seem to cope with inclement weather like this:-( glad you are ok roy:-) hugs Jan xx
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Roy Pett
Date: 3/5/2018 2:37:00 PM
We are counting our blessings here in Leicestershire as we got very little snow but the icy wind was unbearable, I feel so sorry for people that are even today still have no power and now flooding to look forward to. :(
Date: 3/1/2018 12:05:00 PM
I have been reading about the cold and snow in several parts of England, Roy. I would have thought that such weather would not have been a problem for England....would have been understandable had it been a heatwave:) Regards // paul
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Roy Pett
Date: 3/1/2018 1:27:00 PM
Thanks Paul, unfortunately we have had red warnings in parts which mean do not travel, hundreds of schools are closed, people stranded on main motorways over night, aircraft are grounded, trains are cancelled, power stations are at critical levels, we have forgotten how to cope with extreme weather, thanks again for your support much appreciated. :))
Date: 2/28/2018 8:45:00 AM
I think because we do not get it regularly, but it is more of an occurrence now, so surely the GVOT should be better prepared..
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Roy Pett
Date: 2/28/2018 9:17:00 AM
Totally agree, we can’t afford to allow so much disruption.
Date: 2/28/2018 8:19:00 AM
I am always shocked when we struggle in the UK.. Have been lucky where we are in the East midlands..
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Roy Pett
Date: 2/28/2018 8:29:00 AM
Thanks S O, hardly any snow here in Leicestershire but the wind is horrendous, what gets me is with satellite forecasting why can’t the authorities be prepared? thanks again for your support. :))
Date: 2/27/2018 3:24:00 PM
Oh, I am so glad not to be part of that!! We got a tiny blizzard ourselves here in Utah on several days ago. It was awful!! I am so thankful that typically our winter this year has been better than usual!!
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Roy Pett
Date: 2/27/2018 4:35:00 PM
Thanks Andrea, it just seems that as soon as we get some inclement weather our transport services come to a holt, where other countries such as the Scandinavian Countries have worse and they seem to cope, thanks for your comment on my rant, really appreciated. :))
Date: 2/27/2018 11:11:00 AM
We have missed out again in Worcestershire, surrounded by hills has it's benefits, I'm not complaining though. Hope its not too bad where you are. Great verse Roy.
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Roy Pett
Date: 2/27/2018 12:25:00 PM
Thanks Tom, we were expecting more than we have had, hope this is not the calm before the storm, thanks again for your support much appreciated. :))
Date: 2/27/2018 8:50:00 AM
Interesting poem Roy. Well done :)
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Roy Pett
Date: 2/27/2018 9:26:00 AM
Thanks Heidi, I don’t know how severe the weather is were you live but it seems like a few flakes of snow here and everything stops! Thanks again for your support much appreciated. :))

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