The Final Setback
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Story of Megan's Final Setback
depression fleeing
she sits at her computer
MySpace has beckoned
sadness engulfs her
the supposed online boyfriend
laughs behind a mask
words like sharp daggers
whore, ****, and no one likes you. . .
her bedroom’s silence
the scream of horror
when her mother finds her hanged. . .
the final setback
a neighborhood mom
deletes the MySpace account
with the boyfriend’s name
Written 7/9/2016 for the Setbacks Contest of Nayda Ivette Negron
*This is based on a true story I saw on Cyber-bullying. The culprit was a grown woman along with daughters the same age as Megan Meier (the girl in this story whose final setback was to hang herself when she believed it was her supposed online boyfriend who began the vicious attacks on her reputation at My Space). At that time there were no laws against this crime, and the hateful woman went unpunished. See more on the story in notes above.
Copyright © Andrea Dietrich | Year Posted 2016
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