Tea Time
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Tea Time Poetry Contest Sponsored by Natasha L Scragg
Free image from Pixabay,com
I once had thirty nine brothers and sisters
now I’m all alone in the world
Probing fingers
viciously tore me apart from my twin.
My white dress
is speckled with dark dust…
it’s all that remains of my siblings.
I was tossed back into my carboard box home
and left in solitary confinement
I know my days are numbered
as my captor mercilessly
dips her hand in and grabs me.
I do not struggle as she pulls me out
but I can hear a hiss and see a steaming monster
I’m popped into a pretty bone china container
It’s lovely and warm, I feel quite relieved
Until my captor says to me,
“Gran always said I should warm the teapot first”
Then the stark reality of my fate smacks me in the face
All of a sudden the floral china lid is raised
My captor is standing in front of me
I see the steaming monster towering over me
Now I know the fate of my relations …
they were all boiled alive!
Copyright © Jan Allison | Year Posted 2024
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