Star Ships
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Star Ships
A star ship soars through gloaming skies faster than warp speed as it appears to disappear from sight leaving only traces of light in disbelieving blinking eyes that search the skies. The next second those blinking colored lights reappear above the farthest mountain descending beyond sight. That round silent disc is soon joined by several matching more, putting on a light show to defy rational laws of gravity, darting through the dark with such amazing accuracy to boggle the mind at their ability to avoid collision, far surpassing our technical abilities to view them on our meager radar screens with their obvious capabilities to cloak their star ships with superior invisibility. Star ships seem to favor remote mountainous terrain, scarcely populated deserts, or the wide expanse of the oceans where they have been known to plunge into the deep. They are rarely known to land in areas where they may be easily approached by the curious who may become abducted, never to be seen again.
twilight twists necks to
view sky maneuvers---
sighting star ships
My thanks to this website for this wonderful picture.
*I didn't get my contest entry finished in time to enter it.
Copyright © Connie Marcum Wong | Year Posted 2021
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