Soup Disappearance Reason
My known, soothing landscapes,
grown from my own hues and shapes,
somehow vanquished their view.
Just one more sore blister of news
to aid my staid mind’s gist of confused.
My angered fist punched tears in their wake
before my shock shakily jot them on a list
of all my fear sought to restore propped.
Truth and I both awoke the first day of last September.
Coffee bound, then mumming around, it was not
long before I felt scared and anxiety provoked ~
I startled at a stranger’s face in my mirror ~
Noted my home had turned to disorder
Saw store reward cards had left my wallet
Winced that drawers were insanely arranged
I about fell to the floor from facts just scored.
Did I want to wake my sleeping man
to answer my questions and more?
I choose to abide in the peace of ignorance
because I feared that if truth made my bed
I would ever decrease beneath the sheets.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Though details are clouded, I have surely been rerouted.
I try, but fail to decipher what all determined this matter.
Prime pieces of me were clearly scattered blind-battered
by forces cemented to time-tatter my mind demented.
It feels as though I have been divorced from myself
by means of some unleashed, bruiser intruder.
I lack all recall of three hundred and sixty-five days
and this is a pain not even my neurologist explains.
... CayCay
posted 1-29-25
Copyright © CayCay Jennings | Year Posted 2025
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