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My known, soothing landscapes, grown from my own hues and shapes, somehow vanquished their view. Just one more sore blister of news to aid my staid mind’s gist of confused. My angered fist punched tears in their wake before my shock shakily jot them on a list of all my fear sought to restore propped. Truth and I both awoke the first day of last September. Coffee bound, then mumming around, it was not long before I felt scared and anxiety provoked ~
I startled at a stranger’s face in my mirror ~ Noted my home had turned to disorder Saw store reward cards had left my wallet Winced that drawers were insanely arranged I about fell to the floor from facts just scored. Did I want to wake my sleeping man to answer my questions and more?
I choose to abide in the peace of ignorance because I feared that if truth made my bed I would ever decrease beneath the sheets.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Though details are clouded, I have surely been rerouted. I try, but fail to decipher what all determined this matter. Prime pieces of me were clearly scattered blind-battered by forces cemented to time-tatter my mind demented. It feels as though I have been divorced from myself by means of some unleashed, bruiser intruder. I lack all recall of three hundred and sixty-five days and this is a pain not even my neurologist explains.
... CayCay 1-23-25 posted 1-29-25

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 3/16/2025 6:08:00 PM
i celebrate you dear cay never mind if i i was off soup for 4 years...yes, we do have to take a break, sometimes from seemingly surprising knock of pain or shift in consciousness... but passion never dies, so here we are scratching paper and going back to friends that really angel you are, a guide the best...beautiful work...huggs and i'll be around for ya!
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Date: 3/12/2025 11:04:00 PM
I realise that you have had some trouble, CayCay, welcome back, missed you:) glad you are back
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Date: 2/4/2025 7:14:00 PM
The feeling of scared and anxiety provoked can be very devastating. I, not too long ago felt the same way, but this old body is starting to just want to give up. I am going to try to not allow it to take over with God's help and his will I will succeed. Well written Cay Cay and very well said.
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Date: 2/2/2025 3:16:00 PM
I forgot to add the poem here it is. Dissociation Unaware when the familiar became a blank stair. The passage of time living a life so blind. No life no feelings this reflection so chilling. The breath of yesterday this gaze does take away. A stranger how clear this reflection in the mirror. Copyright © Michael Craig
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CayCay Jennings
Date: 2/2/2025 6:13:00 PM
Check for Soup mail from me in the near future. I can't just respond to your generous sharing inside the wee box. ... CayCay
Date: 2/2/2025 3:15:00 PM
Hi Cay Cay, so sorry to hear you've been down and that I'm here to encourage you as much as I can. As you once did me bye reading my poems. I've never forgotten that I to have quite writing because I was lost. I'm sending you a poem on the way I once felt to let you know I do understand what you are going through.
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Date: 1/31/2025 11:47:00 PM
I hope your coping and know we are here to support and encourage you. Hugs...
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CayCay Jennings
Date: 2/2/2025 6:08:00 PM
THANK YOU, Michael. I FEEL the encouragement and embrace it ... CayCay
Date: 1/31/2025 2:58:00 PM
Your friends here love and support you. I hope your man is there to help and support you and that you are still living in your new lovely home by the ocean. I missed you so much. And I really feel for you having a horrible condition to live with. Hope to see more and more of your poetry, dear friend.
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Date: 1/31/2025 11:02:00 AM
Sometimes events occur that disrupt our lives. Be resilient. Write on. You are always appreciated.
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CayCay Jennings
Date: 2/2/2025 6:46:00 PM
It is so nice to see you on my pages again and to create pages again to thus see you on ... Wow, I haven't felt the delight of a silly mood in a long time ... CayCay
Date: 1/30/2025 8:19:00 PM
Whoa, CayCay! A gut punch, this is. Right to the solar plexus. Tsunami of emotions. Write on, please. Missed your unique, iconic style greatly. :) Gershon
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CayCay Jennings
Date: 2/2/2025 6:07:00 PM
I'm glad to once again be in an environment of your unique, as well. Thank you so much! for your emotion, Gershon ... CayCay
Date: 1/30/2025 5:59:00 AM
Embracing the eternal love & light aglow in our heart, dissolving therein, all pain of this lucid earth life dream is healed. We emerge from each adversity, rising like the Phoenix, stronger, wiser, kinder, acceptant and vibrationally ascended.
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CayCay Jennings
Date: 1/30/2025 1:23:00 PM
I feel as though you just took my hand and led us in prayer. I feel uplifted and blessed. Thank you so very much. Hugs ... CayCay
Date: 1/30/2025 5:22:00 AM
Hi CayCay nice to meet you. Sorry to hear you endured such a horrible act….it is not right nor fair and should never happen in our lives but alas….Sending a big cuddle your way! Debx
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CayCay Jennings
Date: 1/30/2025 1:31:00 PM
If you sent me a cuddle, am I safe to believe it crossed the mighty pond that I might feel a healing caress most powerful? I am thrilled with my fantasy thoughts right now. Thank you for stimulating such a visual feel .. I am happy to have virtually met you ... CayCayt
Date: 1/29/2025 7:35:00 PM
Dear sweet friend, you may find your thoughts scattered, but there are enough of us who care about you to put your puzzle pieces in order and if some of them don’t quite fit… that’s ok. I’m just happy you’re here with us again.
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Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 1/31/2025 10:43:00 AM
You are too kind with such compliments, CayCay. Thank you and I, along with many others, are delighted to have you among us again. Hugs, sweet friend.
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CayCay Jennings
Date: 1/30/2025 5:28:00 PM
I was writing you a sec ago and the rude box blew it up. That's the second time today, so, I know it's really my bad. I visited SOUP recently and a pic of a stunning woman caught my eye. It was / is your current pic. Look for a mess from me ... Thank you for such a warming word-hug ... CayCay
Date: 1/29/2025 5:16:00 PM
I felt this write. Right in the gut. And a bit in the tear ducts too. Hugs! xomo
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CayCay Jennings
Date: 1/30/2025 1:35:00 PM
I have never intentionally or otherwise thought to rhyme gut with tear ducts, but that's not the main take away from your generous emotional response. I am hugging you ... CayCay
Date: 1/29/2025 4:12:00 PM
Your poem moved me to tears CayCay, these experiences are so traumatic and it must have been very scary for you. I'm just thrilled you are back and sharing with us once again:-) hugs Jan xx
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CayCay Jennings
Date: 1/30/2025 4:43:00 PM
I tried using Brevity to clearly, minimally tell you how good it felt to see you here and then there again. I look forward to some Jan-crafted laughter. Thank you ever much for such emphatic, gentle concern .. Hugs ... CayCay
Date: 1/29/2025 4:11:00 PM
You suffered a nervous breakdown due to a home invasion? Goodness. Hope your recovery continues
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CayCay Jennings
Date: 1/29/2025 4:28:00 PM
After reading your comment, I read the poem and laughed. Darned if one verse doesn't read as though we'd been pillaged. CayCay

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry