Silly Lines For Mr Green In Helter Skelter Rhyme
GREEN eyes with flecks of honey
Bright smiles that make days sunny
Warm hugs from you, my bunny
Kisses that are so yummy!!!
Others are GREEN with envy
Cause you are oh, so trendy
You drive me in your Bentley
Your touch brings me to frenzy
You are the best apple GREEN
One bite and I am a queen
Your love explodes on the scene
Oh, GREEN boy, where have you been?
G racious and gorgeous are you
R acy and rambunctious too
E dible down to the core
E xciting, you give me more
N aughty but nice, MR GREEN,
THE BEST GREEN, I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 23, 2014
PD's Contest
Anything GREEN
Copyright © Eileen Manassian | Year Posted 2014
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