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ONE SHOULD NOT MAKE PLANS FOR TOMORROW, LIFE IS UNPREDICTABLE, THE UNEXPECTED CAN HAPPEN IN A SPLIT SECOND. “QUOTE BY POET” I woke up to a brilliant sunny spring day, The flowers blooming, the birds were chirping, The tree leaves dancing to a gentle wind blowing, Rustling their young leaves, our chime tinkling. The jacaranda trees which looked so dashing Giving us a glorious show, their flowers tumbling To the ground beneath, resembling purple carpeting. Our annual optician’s appointment was today, So off to mall we go, reluctant to leave our patio. We were right on time, and the optician saw me first, All good he said after my consultation, go have fun And choose your specs. Whilst choosing my funky frames, a petrifying noise Surrounded the mall, the six of us froze. So scary ,surreal, horrendous and mind boggling, Loud shots, automatic gun fire, people shouting, Shots fired from where no one knew, people screaming, We huddled under the counter, shots still ringing, The brave receptionist ran to shut the glass door and locked it Then ran back to join us under the counter. Normality returned all too soon, as an elderly man who Seemed shell shocked and disorientated, stumbled in as the Receptionist cautiously re-opened the door. He told us the Robbers were professionals, and were in and out in 5 minutes, Well-rehearsed he added, and the almighty thunderous Bangs we heard, were from hearsay, that the robbers Shot and broke the glass display cabinets, taking All and every piece of jewellery with them. A getaway car, revving, In the open parking on the third floor all ready and waiting. The jewellery shop was just above us. The ear shattering Sounds were thus inevitable. My thoughts however went to those terrified people shopping, In the corridors of the mall, Who had no shelter at all. What happened to that wonderful sunny spring morning that I woke up to, flowers blooming, tree leaves gently swaying in the breeze and majestic jacaranda trees carpeting the ground with their purple flowers. We are mere mortals who live on a very turbulent and troubled planet, a planet called earth. Miraculously, no one was injured, to my knowledge. THIS IS A TRUE STORY - IT HAPPENED TO US ON THE 30TH SEPTEMBER

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 10/16/2024 9:00:00 PM
Wow how frightening, Jennifer. Anything can happen to anyone at any moment!
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Date: 10/14/2024 9:46:00 PM
Your notes at the outset made me so curious to read. Your beautiful description of the early morning was so captivating. I enjoyed the beauty and serenity of your idyllic surroundings. Then when you got into the mall, as a bolt from the blue, gun shots were heard and could sense a mayhem. Such occurrences are common in crowded places. First I thought it must be a terrorist attack. But at the end realized it was burglary and mass looting. A very realistic description, dear Jenny. As you say, we do not know what turn life will take at the next moment. Thank God no one was injured.
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Date: 10/13/2024 6:05:00 AM
Jennifer, your true story is well told--with vivid descriptions. The scary truth is that we could never have enough police officers, in place, to anticipate and prevent the evil that is swamping this world! Janice
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Date: 10/12/2024 4:42:00 AM
Sad that you experienced such a bad event on that day. I would not want to have been there. I imagine that it took hours or even days to get your sense of well-being back. I hope you never experience it again nor anyone else experience such an event. Thanks for sharing it with us. Sara K..I will have to look up jacaranda tree to see its beauty.
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Date: 10/8/2024 10:57:00 PM
The worst of this poem is that it really happened. Why is evil everywhere? Pity these evil ones were not caught. Great description.
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Date: 10/8/2024 3:44:00 PM
That’s a terrible thing to happen to you Jennifer, what a world we live in. No one knows what’s waiting around the corner. Take care… Beryl
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Date: 10/8/2024 7:51:00 AM
Jennifer all's I can say is WOW, for the Robbery and for you creative style of having us glued to your words wanting to know the finality of this treacherous event. I am so glad you are safe and that girl that risk her life to protect you all in the store should be rewarded with some form of recognition reward. Thank you for sharing had to take a deep breath afterwards...
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Date: 10/8/2024 5:37:00 AM
Jennifer, the lesson you provide with this story is food for thought. We really don't know for certain what our future holds except for death and taxes!! It's really too bad that these man made disruptions happen since nature itself provides plenty to deal with. That seems sad to me. Sending you smiles and wishes for a wonderful day!
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Date: 10/8/2024 3:58:00 AM
So scary! True story? We all fear facing the turbulence of earth upset not by weather or other natural phenomena but by the hands of man! The joy and color of a perfect day shattered by mahem and fear.
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