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Oops I Did It Again

For the contest "Today I accomplished..." A placing in the contest I wished Ended up again with N/A But what went wrong anyway? I checked the date and looked over long So I wouldn't get anything wrong But I posted a wrong poem instead And that's why "N/A" it said It's like writing History for Maths test So I' m glad I didn't place in the contest.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 12/26/2015 5:16:00 PM
Awe, it is so nice to hear from you Nandita, thank you for replying to my comment on the bottom. How sweet. LINDA
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Date: 12/25/2015 10:36:00 PM
Hi Nandita, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year May all your days shine and dreams come true. :) Every day should be a day with family and friends. I appreciate everyone. Sorry to all those I have taken for granted. SHAME ON ME. I promise, 2016 will be a new me. Merry Christmas!!! May the true meaning of the holiday season fill your heart and home. Always & Forever ~LINDA~
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Nandita Das
Date: 12/26/2015 5:47:00 AM
Thank you PD. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New year to you. Wishing you joy, good health, peace, love, happiness and creativity. God bless you and your family abundantly.
Date: 6/25/2015 10:05:00 AM
Nandita, I seem to do the same as you, but mine is I misunderstand the directions sometimes. But that's ok I learn from mistakes. Hugs dear friend Eve
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Date: 6/17/2015 5:37:00 AM
I loved your write dear. I could relate to it.keep up the great work.
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Date: 6/16/2015 8:39:00 PM
Nandita , sorry this happened to you again, I check and check to make sure the poem got entered in manage your contest entries page and that it's the right poem and sometimes there is a glitch but here you have penned a very good poem 7 and thanks for visiting my poem, Beware
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Date: 6/14/2015 8:43:00 AM
Nandita, your mistake is our in a fun poem you wrote here. Love the way your lines fit together just right
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Date: 6/9/2015 9:31:00 AM
LOL, stop doing it then...Oh, I'm kidding. I hardly join. I once thought I entered a contest, then later saw it was never in the contest I thought I submitted the poem too. It happens to the best of us. Nandita, now I got that song on my mind. Oops!...I did it again I played with your heart, got lost in the game Oh baby, baby <--lyrics from oops I did it again.... :) Enjoyed. LINDA
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Date: 5/25/2015 4:16:00 PM
You're a sport, Nandita! Happened to me, too, but it's not the end of the world:) // paul
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Date: 5/25/2015 10:11:00 AM
Your poems are winners whether they get into a contest or not. I haven't done this, but then I really don't enter contests. Something about rules and deadlines just makes me drag my feet.
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Nandita Das
Date: 5/25/2015 10:20:00 AM
Thank you. You're so thoughtful n kind. I too will give these contests a miss.
Date: 5/24/2015 8:40:00 PM
Yes but did you think? This poem is a WINNER, so it all worked out!!!!! hugs!!!
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Nandita Das
Date: 5/24/2015 10:09:00 PM
Oh thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. Means so much to me. Thank you.
Date: 5/24/2015 1:15:00 PM
I almost put in "Maud the cat" once... It would have given the judge a laugh!
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Nandita Das
Date: 5/24/2015 10:07:00 PM
Haha...I imagine it would. Thank you for this comment. Made me smile.
Date: 5/23/2015 9:08:00 AM
Nandita, this has happened to me also that is why I now go the my contest page and check that it is in the contest and the correct poem has been selected, it is easy to make a mistake, I feel the disappointment in your poem, but you wrote it beautifully, 7, and thanks for visiting my poem, sad tears
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Nandita Das
Date: 5/23/2015 11:37:00 AM
Thank you so much. I will follow your method. Your poem Sad Tears was amazing. Congrats on win.
Date: 5/23/2015 8:46:00 AM
I have made the same mistake. Good luck in the next one.
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Nandita Das
Date: 5/23/2015 11:35:00 AM
Thank you. Feels good to know all have been through this. Helped me learn a lot . Thank you for your kind wishes.
Date: 5/22/2015 7:54:00 PM
Hello Nandita... a negative into a positive with a poem that has me smiling although its a pity that you ended up with an N/A - Lindsay
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Nandita Das
Date: 5/23/2015 4:55:00 AM
Thank you. I see it happens with all. Thanks for your kind support. Thank you.
Date: 5/22/2015 4:46:00 PM
OH NO!!!! I do stuff like that at least several times a year. IT SUCKS. So sorry, Nandita!!
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Nandita Das
Date: 5/23/2015 4:54:00 AM
Thanks. I do this all the time. I loved your list poem. Well deserved top place winner. Congratulations.
Date: 5/22/2015 11:51:00 AM
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Nandita Das
Date: 5/22/2015 11:54:00 AM
Thank you Sneha. That poem was one of my favourites. I really appreciate your kind support very much. Thank you.
Date: 5/22/2015 8:54:00 AM
You describe your experience perfectly and it takes shape in my mind’s eye as it registers within our hearts. Emile.
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Nandita Das
Date: 5/22/2015 11:00:00 AM
Thank you so much for your nice comments. Truly appreciate it very much.
Date: 5/22/2015 7:27:00 AM
Oh no! Lol, cute poem! Sad if it's true! God bless!
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Nandita Das
Date: 5/22/2015 7:34:00 AM
Yes it's true. Thank you for reading this and for taking time to write nice comments. Thank you.
Date: 5/22/2015 6:42:00 AM
Oh dear Nandita what a pity - but you got a great poem here as a result of your error:-) Hugs jan xx
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Nandita Das
Date: 5/22/2015 6:50:00 AM
Yes I didn't realise my error until I checked yesterday. Yours was humorous and awesome. I am glad it was a wiinner. Thank you
Date: 5/22/2015 6:26:00 AM your humor, lady! YOu turned a disappointment into something positively productive by writing this. Here's to you, Nan! Cheers!
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Nandita Das
Date: 5/22/2015 6:34:00 AM
Glad you like it. It's true. I got N/ A before for not entering the date. So this time I checked that I had the date and everything right. But then I went and entered some other poem on Nature in this contest. Yesterday I checked and got to know my blunder...hahaha..:). Thank you for your nice comments. Makes me feel so good. Thank you.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things