My Quirks
I have so many little quirks that I don’t know where to start
Please try not to judge me as I bare my fragile heart
First there is my coffee cup, no other can replace
An antique made by Fire King, this quirk a damn disgrace
I dropped it on my driveway and it broke into a million shards
Trying to find another one really was quite hard
Without my favorite coffee cup my morning really sucks
An antique dealer an hour away charged me fifteen bucks!
Then there’s the issue of my purse; it’s rode a plane I have not
I’ve left it laying in motel rooms; the single thing that I forgot
It’s also spent time on sidewalks, long after I have gone
It’s ridden the roof of my car and was found on my neighbor’s lawn
One thing good about this quirk, my purse returns intact
Gives me faith in humanity and that’s just a simple fact
And please don’t get me started, the quirk with my long hair
I twirl it with my fingers and I’d be lost if it wasn’t there!
I also stop the microwave with a second left on the clock
I’m afraid if I hear it beep, I’ll go into mental shock.
Then there is this thing with ants; I love to sit in sandy loam
I can while away the hours watching them build a home
There are many oddities with my food and the meal that I just ate
I must eat my items separate, so I use a divided plate
And damn those raviolis; I have to know just what’s inside
Painstakingly peel each one apart, so the meat it cannot hide.
I have to straighten hung picture frames and items on a shelf
If I cannot make them just so, I want to hang myself
I’ve given up orange slice candies, because there is no way to do it
Unsuccessful at melting one in my mouth, so finally I’ve said “Screw it.”
Now that I have bared my soul and admitted all my quirks
Can we still be best of friends, if not, an acquaintance works.
Written February 6, 2018
Contest: Quirks
Hosted by Madison Demetros
Copyright © Rhoda Tripp | Year Posted 2018
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