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moon-quartz healing

When milky quartz stars thread the sky like twinkling fairy lights~ shifting colors of fleeting phases, paint silent prayers in gold. Within the pages of dusky dreams, I've found moon-glazed healing.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 1/10/2024 5:56:00 AM
This is so pretty, great words, congratulations
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Date: 1/9/2024 8:40:00 AM
Back with Congratulations on your win. I enjoyed reading your wonderful/great read again. Have a blessed day writing away...................
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Date: 1/8/2024 11:02:00 AM
Very pretty sijo, Ink. Congrats in my contest.
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/9/2024 1:06:00 AM
Thank you sweet andrea for my sijo high i appreciate you so very much truly
Date: 1/6/2024 10:13:00 PM
Beautiful. It's good to see you write about the moon and how it gives hope and healing.
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/9/2024 1:06:00 AM
Thank you always sweet paige
Date: 1/4/2024 11:50:00 AM
Hi Ink Empress, you do have that je ne sais quoi way of accentuating words that even a lump of clay can be idolized. Bit of a ditty yet it does amplify beautifully, my friend. Aloha, William
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/9/2024 1:06:00 AM
Thank you william i appreciate always your support
Date: 1/4/2024 8:19:00 AM
Beautiful & wonderful! thanks for sharing this lovely Sijo :-)
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 11:18:00 AM
Thank you dear always
Date: 1/4/2024 2:29:00 AM
Moon-glazing is a great medicine as you've expressed so well in this beautiful poem, Ink. Very nice! Happy New Year to you... Charlie
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 11:17:00 AM
Thank you so very much dear charles i appreciate your kind support always
Date: 1/4/2024 2:03:00 AM
Celestial healing from the orbs on high, Lovely verse Empress, Wishing you all the best for the New Year
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 11:11:00 AM
Thank you so very much dear joseph, appreciate your kind support
Date: 1/4/2024 1:28:00 AM
Who would not admire fairy lights? Beautiful.
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 10:58:00 AM
Thank you always for your support
Date: 1/3/2024 9:50:00 PM
"Within the pages of dusky dreams, I've found moon-glazed healing." Anything and everything turns into gold by your Mida's touch. Excellent Sijo. No doubt about the place it is going to have. All the Best dear Empress !
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 10:52:00 AM
Thank you so very much sweet valsa, i appreciate your support truly always
Date: 1/3/2024 8:42:00 PM
So beautiful. I love "paint silent prayers in gold." A perfect to begin the day.
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 10:45:00 AM
Its so good to see you here ormulyce, i hope you are doing well. Thank you for reading and for leaving your feedback. Happy new year
Date: 1/3/2024 7:35:00 PM
Hmm. The moon has power. Just watch the tides. These few sentences say a lot. Hugs to you.
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 10:40:00 AM
So true, i write about changing tides from phases of moon alot in my poems too. Thank you so much kind hilda, appreciate your support always
Date: 1/3/2024 12:45:00 PM
Just lovely sweet Ink…. I understand hehe!! Debx
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 10:19:00 AM
Thank you so much for your kind support, i truly am grateful
Date: 1/3/2024 9:41:00 AM
I like the phrase, "moon-glazed healing"..Reads like a good contender to me if a contest entry. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Sara K
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 10:06:00 AM
Thank you dear sara, i appreciate you always
Date: 1/3/2024 9:11:00 AM
the moon is such a magical orb Ink I know it will be there to help us if we ask I simply adore her gl in all you do hugs Shadow
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 10:05:00 AM
Me too dear shadow, i love the moon. Thank you so much for your feedback, truly grateful always
Date: 1/3/2024 7:58:00 AM
I can see your wonderful write before me. A great read... Have a blessed day writing away............
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 10:03:00 AM
Thank you dear paula, i appreciate your kind support
Date: 1/3/2024 7:33:00 AM
Delicious language so succinctly expressed.
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 10:03:00 AM
Thank you so much for your feedback
Date: 1/3/2024 7:03:00 AM
milky quartz stars thread the sky …. Mmmm from the get go I am already amazed!!!! paint silent prayers in gold.… ma gaaaaaaaashhh!!! Papiiiiii wat r u doiiiiin to me with ur words!!! Damn um melting!! And that ending !!! Within the pages of dusky dreams, I've found moon-glazed healing.… wat even!!! How even !!!! U r the perfect poetesss aeee… ur words got me goin gooooood papi!!!
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 8:57:00 AM
Awwn papi u so sweet thank you alwayssss
Date: 1/3/2024 7:01:00 AM
shifting colors of fleeting phases---dusky dreams --moon-glazed healing-- splendor of vocabulary paints your theme brilliantly, Ink.
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 8:48:00 AM
Thank you always for your kindness dear Vijay, im truly grateful always for your generous support
Date: 1/3/2024 6:49:00 AM
This poem displays exceptional beauty in numerous aspects, dear Ink. It captures the profound notion of finding solace amidst life's challenges, symbolizing the resilience to endure and discovering a glimmering hope reminiscent of the moon's radiant reflection. BOL with the contest
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 8:43:00 AM
Thank you always for being spot on in understanding my poems always. I am grateful for your kind support
Date: 1/3/2024 6:11:00 AM
Oh my, this sijo poem whispers so much to my soul.. You've conveyed a deep sense of healing where you've expressed that one witnessed those rough waves of life yet, found that shimmering ray of hope in the pearlescent echo of the moon.. Ahh, we love moon, don't we! Your wordplay is 'Ethereal' here, dear Ink.. I'm absolutely in awe.. Although, this may convey about your healing journey through the poetic world on Soup.. But also, this can be interpreted in many ways.. "milky quartz stars" Gosh
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 8:43:00 AM
Awwn really? You use fairylights in your room? Thats so cute!! Thank you my angelic star for all your support
Sharma  Avatar
Hiya Sharma
Date: 1/3/2024 6:12:00 AM
Love that! "twinkling fairy lights~" Ahh, stars like fairy lights, this reminded me of my fav fairy lights in my room.. I love to wake up seeing them in the morning.. It brightens up my day.. "paint silent prayers in gold" Also, "moon-glazed healing" Is absolutely magical.. So beautifully crafted.. Best of luck for the contest :)
Date: 1/3/2024 5:57:00 AM
Is this about finding Poetry Soup? Then you have expressed it in your own unique style with that veil of admitting what you want to say.. You can metaphorise anything ( yes I made the word up).. I am happy and so are so many others that you joined the soup and what a revelation you have been dear poet.. All the best for the contest..
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 8:42:00 AM
Thank you so much. Its about finding healing.. i think i did heal from many things, in 2023, and soup and you play an important role in that
Date: 1/3/2024 5:51:00 AM
Amazing lines. Something about the moon makes me love to read.
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Ink Empress
Date: 1/4/2024 8:41:00 AM
Thank you so much dahlin. Appreciate you always

Book: Reflection on the Important Things