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January 20th mischief

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A “mischief” decribes a group of scavengers and often refers to rats. The mega rich in our country have invaded and burrowed into our politics to assuage their endless hunger.

Our rat-in-chief (inaugurated today) will do anything to accumulate more wealth. For example, in the past few days, he lauched a meme coin that will allow anyone who wants something from the President to transfer money to him without tracking. By the end of his term, he might become the richest person in the world as measured by Forbes. 

Billionaires live in a rat hole And hoard funds for their barren soul Their burrows and blight Are nests out of sight Where pest control's just whack-a-mole The rich bribe the prez with cash nuts And praise Trumpenstein's rodent guts! Those privileged imbibe Tax cuts for their tribe While we'll eat what's dropped from their butts

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/8/2025 7:57:00 AM
The rich get richer and the poor poorer and never the twain shall meet. Dear Duke I hear you, but we the helpless clowns sit back and live off the meager spoils that billionaires decide to allow us to. So it has always been so, in smaller amounts, and limited media attention as was the case slowly going back in history. Sadly the now upper middle class, and middle class will slowly, in fact, not so slowly, become poor and helpless, join the ranks of the destitute and die, they and we, will not be able to survive. What next, a revolt of the masses worldwide! Blessings my friend, Jennifer.
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Beaufort Avatar
Duke Beaufort
Date: 2/10/2025 10:33:00 AM
Hi Jennifer, I agree with your analysis. The policy that concentrates wealth at the top goes by the name "trickle-down economics" in the USA, and it doesn't work. More wealth has been concentrating in the hands of fewer people for some time. We're all watching and wondering where and how this works out for all of us not at the very top of the pyramid. Smiles!!
Date: 2/1/2025 9:03:00 AM
Good one but many many politicians are getting rich. Biden did it illegally and Congress takes bribes from Big Pharma. At least Trump asking his followers for campaign help is transparent. Aren't all politicians guilty of this practice , regardless of the party they belong to? In all administrations I am sure this has been practiced.
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 2/2/2025 9:54:00 AM
I don't understand how things work, but I heard IRS is to be done away with under Trump. We ordinary people with small social security checks will hopefully keep getting by. I only saw major increases when Biden took office
Beaufort Avatar
Duke Beaufort
Date: 2/1/2025 10:52:00 AM
Andrea, yes this has been going on for some time. However, under Trump my property tax deduction for state and local taxes (SALT) was limited to 10K and my actual federal tax bill went up. When the democrats had control, they passed the affordable care act. It's not perfect, but many more Americans now have health insurance. Meanwhile, Trump's tax cut funneled a huge windfall to billionaires. So, the disparity in wealth between most of us and the super rich accelerated under his rule. In order to preserve those cuts, which will otherwise expire, guess where the money will come from?
Date: 1/22/2025 12:36:00 PM
Dear friend Duke, your limerick poem criticizes the wealth disparity and moral corruption associated with billionaires, as well as the political system that benefits them. It stresses the separation between the affluent elite and the regular people, presenting the rich as hoarders of riches who use their authority for personal benefit, while The poem uses colloquial and caustic language to convey a serious subject, as well as comedy and satirical elements. Words like "rat hole," "hoard," "barren soul," and "pest control" elicit revulsion and underline the apparent moral degradation of the rich.Neglecting public duties.
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/24/2025 11:16:00 AM
SP, it's almost as if you are inside my head! We've been in this situation for a while, but these people have never been paraded on stage in front of us as now. Their interference in the political world threatens the fabric of our society. I'm wondering if they're thinking, "A chicken in every pot, A mega yacht in every boat house." Have they lost touch with reality? The entire fleet will sink if we don't get a more inclusive system that limits the influence of oligarchs. Their selfishness astounds. This poem as I look at it is a bit earthy and graphic. The situation reminds me of an unpleasant infestation...never a good thing.
Date: 1/22/2025 9:33:00 AM
Dear duke, the last line makes me sad, while i will not share my thoughts of politics i must admit and agree to what youv said there in your last line, politicians , and what the reality tastes like for normal citizens is so sad, how they use so many for their own benefit. I watched the inauguration with my mum. Was interesting watching it. Did make me question somethings too. Hope america will be a peaceful place and will thrive! Sending you light today and always
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/24/2025 10:42:00 AM
IE, thanks for reading and for the sincere comment. Clearly our new chief executive believes in bullying and threatening for the sake of showing how superior and tough he is. Not my cup of tea. He seems to do things that are in his interest alone and doesn't have any care about the rest of the world. It's rather disturbing to many of us. However, he will never take away our inner sense of worth. This is something he lacks and he will never experience true joy. It is as you say very sad. Hope this day finds you well.
Date: 1/21/2025 7:11:00 AM
Duke, your words always make me want to pick up a baseball bat, but that would make me as traitorous as those who stormed the Capitol. Pardoned by one who tried to shame Biden for the same thing. At least Biden's last pardons were for those who feared Trumpensteins' wrath. I'll take a pass on eating from the dung heap banquet, aka Trump Rump plague.
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/21/2025 2:46:00 PM
Thanks Lin, yes we'll let our words be our arrows. I get what Biden did. The monstrous leader we have now loves to make his opponents squirm. I think I heard Trumpenstein make a comment how upset he was that Biden commuted the federal death penalty for about 30 death-row inmates. He was looking forward to those executions and feels as though his ability to bring a death show has been thwarted. Sorry Don, not as many spare parts for you!
Date: 1/20/2025 12:16:00 PM
yes with musky rat as his wing man we have a lot to worry about Duke. Next all the notes in the US will have Trump's picture on it - they should be orange backs not greenbacks lol. Then of course in future years we will have Barron Von Dump following in his father's footprints - perish the thought:-( it is just me or do you think Barron looked a little like Data from Star trek in certain pictures from the ceremony today. lol/ hugs jan xx
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Beaufort Avatar
Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/21/2025 2:20:00 PM
Hi Jan, someone in the medical profession told me they think he was administered too much growth there is something strange about his appearance possibly as a result of that. Welcome to planet Trump. A strange sci fi world where bullies and idiots destroy the planet to make themselves rich for the short term. I hope they really enjoy their mega yachts while they can.
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 1/21/2025 7:14:00 AM
Yes, Barron does resemble Data, Jan. I saw a clip in which he was introduced, and he made all of the same gestures that his father does. Maybe he's being groomed to be the 50th pres. Lordy!
Date: 1/20/2025 11:25:00 AM
A plague. Containment I do not foresee being possible. Great write! xomo
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 1/22/2025 6:15:00 AM
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 1/21/2025 2:13:00 PM
Maureen, It's a pleasure to see your comment since I see you as a kindred spirit. It is indeed a plague and needs to be addressed. The forces of nature will address this for us if we are unable to contain our greed and selfishness. I think we have a problem when a group of crazy elite billionaires are leading the way forward.

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