Jack O’Lantern Rides
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The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving is my inspiration. My hometown was close to the Catskill Mountains. I once took the nearby Spooky Hollow Road when I was in search of the main road and lost in the night. I found the main road, of course, and lived to tell the tale ;) Rip Van Winkle written by the author, as well.
one hemisphere lit
of split
Jack O’Lantern rides,
spurring the midnight stallion.
Ichabod’s head spins ‘round,
fear comes forth furiously,
without time
to catch his breath.
a clean cut,
detached from reality.
eyes spinning
within Crane’s inner space;
a pumpkin smash.
was this his nemesis
or the devil himself?
was Katrina worth this,
his head laid upon
the woodpile’s lap?
a dream perhaps?
another Van Winkle written off?
furrows on forehead,
pulp pulsing, scored;
twenty years or so forth.
generations hear of the headless wanderer
only the lovelorn venture off
(and Brom Bones ascendants)
descending into dreams, delusions
or the stampede of midnight hoofs.
Katrina lit a candle in the window
She’ll never be a widow; just blind
Copyright © Kim Rodrigues | Year Posted 2024
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