Imagination - January 27, 2016
I sail over green forests,
Ride jet streams above the seas,
Gain speed like lightning,
Earth eagerly seeks to please.
Big Dipper’s nectar tastes delightful,
The North Star looks and lingers.
Comets whisper amazement,
As planets crook their fingers.
My soul soars past Orion,
Itinerating through ethereal space.
A far off galaxy beckons,
Can my body keep up the pace?
Hobnobbing with celestial members,
I dash through vast constellations.
Forget the wild blue yonder,
Geeks and Greeks add inspiration.
Wafted higher, faster, farther,
Climbing rungs of Jacob’s ladder.
Exhilarating my adrenaline,
Anticipation growing gladder.
Exploring worlds, light years apart.
Oh, what joys I fervently seek.
Soon wafted into heaven,
Angels brush against my cheek.
Symphonic melodies fill the air,
As I skate on streets of gold.
The very epitome of eternity,
Heaven’s harmony yet untold!
Copyright © James Tate | Year Posted 2016
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