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Hope Chest

This once was an empty hope chest, All my wishes it was waiting to hold, Now it keeps the things I love best, As my life begins to unfold. A hope chest holds things from the past, It locks away secrets of when we wept, And poems written to make memories last, In my Mom's diary of thoughts she kept. A porcelain doll, of which I was very fond, My Grandma made her, with care and grace, She had long hair, curly, blonde, And a blue dress trimmed in white lace. My hope chest holds everything I love, Like old photographs that are looking worn, And the wishes that I've dreamt of, Ever since the day I was born. My hope chest may hold new things, Like a Valentine my first love sent me, Maybe, eventually an engagement ring, And the rose that won him my heart's key. If there is a newborn on the way, My hope chest will hold many things, Like maybe, a baby blanket, someday, A reminder of what life can bring.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 10/17/2014 12:22:00 PM
Congratz on your win! ^^
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Deschler Avatar
Kelly Deschler
Date: 10/22/2014 6:24:00 PM
Thank you very much, Doris!
Date: 10/16/2014 8:42:00 AM
It is nice to see this super one on the winning list,congrats Kelly.
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Kelly Deschler
Date: 10/20/2014 2:20:00 AM
Thank you for the nice comments and kind congrats. I appreciate them very much, Kayode!
Date: 10/16/2014 8:28:00 AM
I just read your blog and let me say that you do NOT come from nothing! You come from GOD as can be readily seen through your writings! Not to mention that if your Avatar is YOU then GOD decided you should also be drop dead gorgeous! Remember!!! Bill Gates does not have a college degree because he had other plans which is why you and I and the soupers are here! Congratulations!
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Kelly Deschler
Date: 10/19/2014 9:37:00 PM
Thank you for these kind words, Judy. I was really touched by them.... I meant to say that I come from having nothing, so being given a chance to share my poems means a lot to me.... Yes, both my avatar photo and the photo on my biography page are pictures of me.
Date: 10/16/2014 7:04:00 AM
Beautiful write Kelly...congrats on your win
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Kelly Deschler
Date: 10/19/2014 10:58:00 PM
Thank you for the nice comments and kind congrats, Joseph!
Date: 10/16/2014 5:39:00 AM
Well composed quatrain, Kelly, congrats on the win
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Kelly Deschler
Date: 10/19/2014 10:49:00 PM
Thank you very much for the kind congrats, Dr. Ram!
Date: 10/16/2014 4:50:00 AM
such a beautiful write kelly i am so glad you entered this is the contest so i could read it:-) hugs Jan xxx
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Kelly Deschler
Date: 10/19/2014 10:36:00 PM
Thank you for taking the time to read this poem, Jan. I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! Hugs :)
Date: 10/15/2014 11:43:00 PM
No bad writers in this contest! You were fast, furious, humorous, romantic,lost, found, sought after, wondrous! THANKS FOR ENTERING! I'M HAPPY!
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Kelly Deschler
Date: 10/19/2014 9:18:00 PM
You are welcome, Judy. I'm glad you enjoyed my poem. Thank you for including me on your winners list!
Date: 3/16/2014 2:13:00 PM
Kelly :) It was nice to see your poem featured in the poetry soups, home page this past week. Enjoy the coming week. Always & Forever *LINDA
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Kelly Deschler
Date: 3/17/2014 5:59:00 PM
Thank you so much for stopping by, Linda! I'm happy that you enjoyed my featured poem. I hope you enjoy this week, too! :)
Date: 3/11/2014 10:17:00 AM
Hi Kelly, CONGRATULATIONS, on having your poem featured on the soup's home page. I'm always enjoying The Soups top picks of the week. Take Care ~SKAT~
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Kelly Deschler
Date: 3/12/2014 8:02:00 PM
Hi SKAT, thank you for letting me know that my poem was being featured this week. I was not aware of that. I will have to go and check out the home page more often! :)
Date: 12/24/2013 12:15:00 AM
That is a real me poem, it is beautiful Kelly and so well written, if that was a winner then you damn well deserve it. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Vera
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Kelly Deschler
Date: 12/26/2013 7:44:00 PM
Thank you so much for the support, Vera, that really means a lot to me! This poem did place in a contest a few months ago. I hope that you and Peter had a great Christmas, and I wish you all the best for the New Year!
Date: 11/18/2013 5:07:00 PM
Kelly This is a sweet and endearing write. You captured the true meaning of what a hope chest is for. Nice job Thanks for the great comment and good luck on my Loves Burning poem.
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Date: 11/17/2013 7:02:00 AM
What a beautiful write Kelly, a deserved win in the Treasure Chest, well done!
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Date: 9/27/2013 8:04:00 PM
Kelly, ... CONGRATULATIONS... in ANTHONY'S "Treasure Chest" contest.. enjoying your awesome win. ***LINDA***
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Date: 9/24/2013 4:55:00 PM
HOpe chests are very nice. MIne is largely a mess!! I think your poem is very fitting to the theme. BIG congrats on a job well done.
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Date: 9/24/2013 3:52:00 AM
well done Kelly lovely poem and thoughts congrats on win Shadow x smile
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Date: 9/24/2013 3:25:00 AM
Congratulations on your deserved win - an enjoyable read.
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Date: 9/23/2013 11:07:00 PM
Just can't help smiling, did not know one day it will be high in a contest. Congrats Miss Kelly from my heart.
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Date: 9/23/2013 10:26:00 PM
Nice deserved win.......... . love ~SKAT~
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Date: 9/23/2013 8:58:00 PM
They are wonderful...congratulations.....
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Date: 9/23/2013 8:45:00 AM
such a lovely write....enjoyed the read, congrats on your win :)
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Date: 9/18/2013 8:51:00 PM
Amazing, Kelly, I don't know why,,, but I know Hope will bring you much more than you know... always looking forward in reading you again... good night for now my poetry soup friend... xox~ Linda
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Date: 9/1/2013 8:16:00 PM
Your rhythm and rhyme is impeccable which is a fine compliment to this meaningful piece you've presented succinctly and I see you've already been faved by a fellow poet.
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Kelly Deschler
Date: 9/1/2013 9:25:00 PM
I have already been faved by four fellow poets, actually! And, I don't mean to brag, I am not that kind of a person.
Date: 8/28/2013 4:20:00 PM
tis is going to my favourite list! and now you are also my fav poet too
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Date: 8/23/2013 4:57:00 PM
Another excellent poem! Superb job of conveying emotion, as well as describing clear visuals. Pleased to run across you. You can review my poems any time you like, and I will try to reply with some sort of eloquence. You can throw in some constructive criticism too, because I can't seem to help doing so.
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Date: 8/8/2013 4:49:00 PM
Ahh!! Enjoyed reading your creative work this afternoon...I am glad that I chose it..Sara
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