For Him
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Poem to be read with Picture Number 2 (boy on boat)
For Him
In the midst of a simpler time
A boy and his boat set a-sail.
Anchored in dark, murky waters
Fishing gear, picnic lunch, and a pail
As he baited the hook, his zest grew
Underwater, the line disappeared.
Waiting patiently, eager with hope
The boy stared in case anything neared.
From the shore, mud-smeared friends queried why
The boy chose to spend this day alone.
Most times, the lad fished with his daddy
They’d watched him learn how as he’d grown.
But as dawn woke the weary that day
The boy had been struck with the news
While he slumbered, his daddy’s soul passed
Full of shock, he had no time to lose.
So, transfixed to the surface, he stared
For his father, his hero, he prayed
A ripple...a tug...the boy smiled…
Through his tears, he showed Dad who he made!
Won First Place!!!
Written on November 11, 2021
Copyright © Meghan Hutchings | Year Posted 2021
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