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Flying Donkey

Poet's Notes

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In 1734, in the town of Derby, England,visiting entertainers, or 'Funambulists', performed feats of daring on a tightrope slung from the top of Derby Cathedral to St. Michaels Church. Often sliding down using a breast plate, cats and other animals were also used. In this instance, a record attempt was made with a Donkey, resulting in the rope snapping, over the crowd. Amazingly there were no fatalities. The incident is recorded in the local newspaper and is held on archive. Bizarre, I know.

I'm only supposed to eat carrots and carry large loads for no pay, so winching me up the Cathedral was not in my plans for the day. The crowd below seemed quite excited as over their heads I shot past, till the zip wire could bear me no longer then it was my turn to kick Ass. To say I was grateful to those folk who cushioned my fall, there's no doubt. So I left them a gift for their rose beds- I hope that it all washes out.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 4/5/2015 12:12:00 AM
This is UDDERLY fantastic. oops, it's a donkey. not a cow!(do donkeys have udders?) Anyway, you are GOOD. Not many can write humor this well and I loved your little spur of the moment limerick response to my speeding story
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Viv Wigley
Date: 4/5/2015 12:22:00 AM
Thanks, Andrea, watch those lights and have a lovely Easter. Viv x
Date: 4/4/2015 9:01:00 AM
Ha ha cute, smelly but cute!
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Viv Wigley
Date: 4/4/2015 12:03:00 PM
Thanks, Richard. Those Donkeys can sure dish it out when they want to... Regards, Viv
Date: 4/4/2015 9:01:00 AM
The imagery is perfect. Nice flow of words and a interesting sounding poem with just the right flow to make the reader sing the words from the page and leave with a smile. Emile. #7
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Viv Wigley
Date: 4/4/2015 12:03:00 PM
Thanks, Emile, nice to spread a little happiness, even with such a strange subject. Regards, Viv
Date: 4/4/2015 8:10:00 AM
An enjoyable read, Viv! The last line is smart and witty. Top marks for you. // paul
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Viv Wigley
Date: 4/4/2015 8:41:00 AM
Thanks, Paul. And what a great word- 'funambulist'. Should be used more often. Happy Easter to you. Regards, Viv
Date: 4/4/2015 6:09:00 AM
what an hilarious story - I did have to check it wasn't written on 1st April lol My hubby was born in Derby and I lived their for 24 years - but we met in Birmingham:-) Hugs jan xx 7 xx
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Viv Wigley
Date: 4/4/2015 7:28:00 AM
You can't beat weird and wonderful, Jan. Have a lovely Easter. Viv x
Date: 4/4/2015 2:04:00 AM
Hello Viv, A clever poem Viv, well written. They say fact is stranger than fiction. Good research. Kind regards----John
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Viv Wigley
Date: 4/4/2015 2:31:00 AM
Thanks, John. Not quite sure how the victims explained their injuries to their wives without appearing drunk :)

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