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For the E-Words poetry contest by Sotto Poet - 11 June 2024



"I'm a conundrum. Or an enigma. I forget which." James A. Owen
In a white man's world, I've become an enigma, feeling like I don't belong, trying to break the stigma. In these mental maladapted creations, against misplaced monachopsis damnations, they stare at the colour of your skin, like it's some dirty unwashable sin. Be like Nelson Mandela, you have the strength to fight, once labelled a terrorist, he said: 'always shine your light.' Bob Marley sang loudly about the Buffalo Soldier held by a chain, a reflection of courage, questioning whether to evolve or remain. Like the lyrics of Libbe Siffre, the higher you build your barriers, the taller I become, this is who I am, walking among the warriors. I may have a quiet mind, but you will never silence my tongue, there is a snarl in my gentle eyes, I keep proving bigots wrong. Keep expressing my flawless scars through the power of my ink, softly swaying from page to page, verses that make the ignorant think. Brothers and sisters, just pause for a while, we are not colonized minds, despite their imperialistic prejudice, we have to be kind to all kinds. Trust the process of poetic words and rediscover love for self belief, even when they try to burn your pages, rewrite to release your grief. In times of oppression, flow like waves onto pebbled shores, When are you the happiest? Tell them when they end their wars! If weak winds rekindle flashbacks, when you meet the eye of the storm, against all forms of adversity, stand strong in a proudly beautiful form, so, don't shush me with antagonistic tones, because my peace comes from within me, as my pen was born to speak the truth through powerful poetry.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 11/17/2024 2:11:00 AM
Dope I liked a lot you had some solid bars in there, I thought the first 20% was fire, but it kind of of trailed off after that for me. But still a very good piece. Well done
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Date: 6/22/2024 5:15:00 AM
A powerful and captivating one Dear Silent. When have we ever let some words, or preferences, stop us? The people who do not know that colour is but a vessel would suffer the most even when we leave here. Inferiority was made by man, not by God. And sometimes I think. People bully or Shame others when they feel threatened by them and we are only obliged because we do not know our power. And they want the ignorance to remain. But that's past now. What can stop us has not been born yet. Congrats.
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Date: 6/19/2024 8:02:00 AM
Congratulations on your win. I enjoyed reading your wonderful "Enigma" write. What a powerful write/ending. Yes, your pen speaks... Have a blessed day with your win..............
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Date: 6/18/2024 10:48:00 PM
"so, don't shush me with antagonistic tones, because my peace comes from within me, as my pen was born to speak the truth through powerful poetry." - Very challenging lines. Congratulations!
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Date: 6/17/2024 4:26:00 AM
I hear you my friend Silent One, however, people are flocking to the countries of whom they are now citizens that were in the last century colonized by many Countries worldwide. Sad is the history of these people gong back even further as they were sold and bought as slaves by the wealthy. I am pleased that they are now growing in strength and are being heard equally. I nevertheless foresee an uprising between the have, and have not's no matter what their color, religion or nationality in the not too distant future Great write SO. Blessings, Jennifer.
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Date: 6/13/2024 11:10:00 AM
SO, it will be a long time to eliminate the bias that exists in our societies. I see that opinions change for the better as people resist constructively and stand up for themselves. At least in the USA, we're seeing a lot of backlash against progress made. Your poem is a wonderful expression of what needs to happen...we can never silence those seeking equality and fairness.
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Date: 6/13/2024 7:10:00 AM
"I may have a quiet mind, but you will never silence my tongue, there is a snarl in my gentle eyes,".... Wow.... your words penetrate and cut deep like a sharp blade. Silent One, you fight with words like a warrior, imbibing the feelings of the marginalized. Each one is unique and is indispensable in the progress of mankind. Your clarion call for equality should resonate from all corners of the world. A wonderful poem, dear friend. Discriminating people on the basis of color, caste and region is inhuman. Even after years of rebellion for equality, man is compartmentalized into groups and segments. A writer with a pen mightier than a sword is the one who can fight against all prejudices and discriminations. May your clarion call for equality resonate from all corners of the world
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Date: 6/13/2024 2:26:00 AM
The pen is mightier than the sword. Great deep poem with plenty of emotions.
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Date: 6/12/2024 4:34:00 PM
powerful poem, indeed, i think some days everyone is an enigma, despite the color of the ink ? this is brillliant and touching, Thanks Silent One
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Date: 6/12/2024 8:26:00 AM
Powerful words. Never be silent, SO. The line that resonated most with me is "be kind to all kind." If only...
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Date: 6/12/2024 4:30:00 AM
Wow Dear Silent One, I believe that you are a tour de force! I really felt the raw emotion and the defiance against oppression, and the clarion call for equality. Simply brilliant. Your words shout with strength and truth. Thank you for this essential work of art. - Blessings, My Friend, Daniel
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Date: 6/11/2024 10:28:00 PM
You may have a quiet mind but can never silence your tongue, what a powerful way to express and describe how a person that faces discrimination and racism would feel, and their silence never is a sign of weakness, bitter reality still in so many places in the world you’ve expressed so eloquently! This is a very silent one poem and i am sure so many would agree with how brilliant your lines are and how well they flow! I love the opening and also and i agree that one must always remember the power of poetic words despite the prejudice! Theres always so much wisdom and always a philosophical touch too in your words, and if one must quote they have to quote them all because your words are beyond impeccable worthy of all the accolades! A subject that needs more awareness on, youv delivered very well “ Like the lyrics of Libbe Siffre, the higher you build your barriers, the taller I become, this is who I am, walking among the warriors.! “ love that. Soul hitting! BOL
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Date: 6/11/2024 9:22:00 PM
Oh! And oh! THIS! "...Keep expressing my flawless scars through the power of my ink, softly swaying from page to page, verses that make the ignorant think. Brothers and sisters, just pause for a while, we are not colonized minds, despite their imperialistic prejudice, we have to be kind to all kinds." Ugh... I'm totally fangirl-ing on u! = 0
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Date: 6/11/2024 9:17:00 PM
Wooooo!!!! Applause!!!!! I heard drums and instruments of music behind each syllable I read. Another fav for me by Silent! There are just too many words and not enough room to type them here, about how amazing this poem is. Since your much much better with them than I, I will simply assume you know what I would say if I could .. Lol ! I truly love this poem. FAV. XO
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Date: 6/11/2024 6:51:00 PM
I wouldn't dare disturb that beautiful light that wonderful peace in your eyes, that strong heart that beats in rhythm, always, S,
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Date: 6/11/2024 6:39:00 PM
"Like the lyrics of Libbe Siffre, the higher you build your barriers, the taller I become, this is who I am, walking among the warriors." Love that!! "Brothers and sisters, just pause for a while, we are not colonized minds," -- Wow! Power packed. Love it. "even when they try to burn your pages, rewrite to release your grief. In times of oppression," An absolute FAV from me.
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Crystol Woods
Date: 6/11/2024 9:27:00 PM
Yess! Sorry I'm breaking in here... lol... but I read your comment and totally agree! Love the line about rewriting if they burn your pages... as well!
Date: 6/11/2024 5:52:00 PM
'Standing strong in a storm', Powerful write
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Date: 6/11/2024 4:54:00 PM
Enigma or conundrum, either one sums me up pretty good lol. Color of skin, cultural differences, religious affiliation, political viewpoints etc etc etc. all reasons for some to have a bias. This read a bit like a rap song. Coincidence?
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Date: 6/11/2024 3:33:00 PM
Powerful- keep standing, 'as tall as they build their walls', like you wrote- enjoyed reading
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Date: 6/11/2024 2:21:00 PM
I enjoyed reading your post. Most people suffer from unacceptance in some form or another. The poor white family, the uneducated family, the family that doesn't manage their money well, the family whose family drinks up all the family's income, etc. It doesn't have to be about race but anything that some one or more than one can grab to use to put a person down. Thanks for sharing this one with us and for dropping by my page. Sara K
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