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Daver Austin

ANIMAL COURT I relate this story from my room in the Quiet Vale Giggling Academy A reader might find my story hard to believe BUT! At one time in my life – As a matter of fact quite recently – I had just finished Dr. Doolittle’s great study ‘Talk to the Animals” And after several months of following Doolittle’s observations Found I could actually understand animal talk Which was really just grunts growls and bodily motions – Tail switches Chop-licking Lurches Farts Things such as that Quite by accident While walking in the woods one day I happened on a scene A robin told me was ‘animal court’ Resided over by Judge Grump At once I noticed a huge lion Seated on a stump His heavy tail thumping the back of the stump “When Grump thumps the stump court will come to order And when Grump thumps the stump all better listen!” sang the robin There were a number of spectators - Squirrels Possums Raccoons Deer Birds All chattering at once So that Grump had to thump the stump many times Growling horrendously till they stopped chattering There was no jury No lawyers Just this marvelously striped tiger Tail down Standing in front of Grump seated on his stump I assumed the tiger was the defendant The lion judge began with a thump of the stump “You are accused of eating your best friend Is that correct?” The tiger swished his tail “Yes” “A dachshund named Stretch Is that correct?” The tiger swished his tail “Yes’ “Sad” the lion judge continued “You were reported to have done everything together – Touched noses Sniffed out-holes Even wrestled together Such fine friends What could have caused such an action on your part?” At this point the attending group began chattering vigorously The lion judge Grump thumped the stump Thumped And thumped As thumping the stump wasn’t loud enough he growled Finally the crowd quieted “How could you do such a thing to your friend Stretch I’m stumped.” The tiger looked around Eyes blazing Jowls dripping Gorgeous stripes undulating blazing in the sun Tail swishing in manner of reply “I was hungry” he said “Case dismissed!” said Grump With a thump of the stump! * Written by late Souper Daver Austin in 2009. We miss you, Daver. Who else could write something like this? (We were good friends and spent hours on the phone during football seasons. The game is not the same without Daver.) Submitted June 23, 2020 for Anthony Biaanco's "Uncontest"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 10/14/2020 10:10:00 PM
Carolyn, you picked a doozy to remember Daver by. What a unique voice to think up and write something as charming as this. He is missed here at Soup, and I'm saddened for you at the personal loss of a good friend. Bless you, my friend.
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Carolyn Devonshire
Date: 10/15/2020 9:27:00 AM
He certainly had a lively imagination! Daver and I used to proofread each other's novels. This poem is my favorite from him and he was in his mid 80s when he wrote it. Thanks for reading, John!
Date: 7/16/2020 9:44:00 PM
Sorry to note about our wonderful ps friend Daver Austin. Thanks df Carolyn for reminding us our lost friend through this wonderful write. My late wife used to tell me sometimes that she knew what some of her favourite animals wanted to say or express and your poem confirmed by you dear friend. Belated Very Happy and Joyous B Day to you dear friend Carolyn. With best wishes always....Ravindra
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Date: 7/14/2020 1:09:00 AM
This is a Fave Carolyn! Dave was a treasure and I miss him so much. I missed reading this one and I am so happy to celebrate his joyous work. A very happy birthday to you tomorrow July 14th. I am posting this early as I get my eye shot tomorrow early and won't see good for a day or two. I hope you have a very wonderful birthday! Thank you for sharing Daver's wonderful poem with us. Blessings xxoo
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Date: 7/10/2020 3:04:00 PM
yes, i miss Daver - lovely guy
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Date: 7/8/2020 1:20:00 PM
reminds me of a story about a snake.
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Date: 7/3/2020 4:22:00 PM
This is Daver alright. We all will miss him for a long time. When we lose a member a hole is left that can't be filled. This is such a cute write and typical of the animal kingdom. God Bless, JB
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Date: 7/3/2020 9:13:00 AM
I don't know the poet you all speak off Carolyn, but he sounds as if he has the respect of all of you and wrote quite spectacular poetry! Blessing my friend, Hugs, Jennifer.
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Date: 7/3/2020 6:14:00 AM
And a fine musician he was 2! our back and forth was always sweet, his gentle encouraging comments always made me feel good, thanks Carolyn...jamesy
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Date: 6/29/2020 3:14:00 PM
Daver was a man of many talents, with a jazzy feel, and his sense of humor was captivating. "Animal Court" is an excellent example of how his mind worked! Warm regards & Hugs // paul
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Date: 6/28/2020 2:57:00 PM
His animal story is JUST LIKE HIM!! Such a great sense of humor.
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Date: 6/28/2020 2:56:00 PM
oh, CArolyn, you showcased Daver as well!! Wasn't he a wonderful friend? Seems like we both choose very wisely the male poets we assocate with! Jack being the other one that I know you relate so well with. Guys like Jack and our departed Daver do not come along too often!
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Date: 6/28/2020 9:43:00 AM
Thanks Carolyn, amazing poetry, just love Daver's sense of humour...often we commented on each others poems, i have fond memories of him...yes still miss him.
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Carolyn Devonshire
Date: 10/15/2020 12:26:00 PM
Even in his 80s, Daver's voice sounded like he was in his 20s. At least he didn't suffer a long illness, but I will always miss him.
Date: 6/24/2020 1:35:00 AM
A great choice for a poem...I remember Daver briefly, not think I ever spoke to him... Have been so many in here we have lost....
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Carolyn Devonshire
Date: 6/25/2020 11:21:00 AM
People leave fr many reasons, but quite a few return to Soup. We are like a family here, so when a poet dies, we feel the loss. Daver was so young for his age. I believe he was 86 when he died.
Date: 6/23/2020 5:32:00 PM
This is so charming, love the 'thump of the stump' - it is kind of you to share your memories of your departed friend, thank you for posting this so others could enjoy it-
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Date: 6/23/2020 2:42:00 PM
Enjoyed the humour Carolyn, I think it's a good idea of bringing up some gems from past poets sadly no longer with us Tom
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Date: 6/23/2020 2:39:00 PM
Good luck in the contest! What stumps me is that people do get hungry, but I don't understand why, like cats, they just want to toy and destroy others, e.g., the two children and wives who were "in the way" of that Idaho couple! Aloha! Rico
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Date: 6/23/2020 1:59:00 PM
what a wonderful witty poem, I especially love "“When Grump thumps the stump court will come to order And when Grump thumps the stump all better listen!" its quite a tongue twister, I too miss Daver. good luck in the contest:-) hugs jan xx
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Carolyn Devonshire
Date: 6/23/2020 2:06:00 PM
Daver was so clever. I'm glad you enjoyed his poem. I loved the part where he revealed the tiger was just "hungry," so the case was dismissed. Says a lot about human nature.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things