Chocolate Obsession
Oh chocolate my sweet
My daily dose of joy how sweet it is
Deliciously it melts at first lick
Liquefying its flood of sweetness to pleasure
So silkily smooth it's a mind blown
I love it so much, it, I can not live without
Oh chocolate I must have it daily
Skipping it or rather running out of it, is a crime to my mood and my head
It's my daily dose of joy I need its sweet magic
It arouses my mood high on happiness, and sets me headache free
I crave it night and day like no others
Oh chocolate my sweet
My one desire I love it so
My daily dose of joy
I just can't get enough of its divine deliciousness
It rules my world
People complain I eat it too much
I, smile and moan to leave me be
It's an obsession I'm NOT guilty about
Akkina R Downing
Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2017
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