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Chocolate Obsession

Oh chocolate my sweet My daily dose of joy how sweet it is Deliciously it melts at first lick Liquefying its flood of sweetness to pleasure So silkily smooth it's a mind blown I love it so much, it, I can not live without Oh chocolate I must have it daily Skipping it or rather running out of it, is a crime to my mood and my head It's my daily dose of joy I need its sweet magic It arouses my mood high on happiness, and sets me headache free I crave it night and day like no others Oh chocolate my sweet My one desire I love it so My daily dose of joy I just can't get enough of its divine deliciousness It rules my world People complain I eat it too much I, smile and moan to leave me be It's an obsession I'm NOT guilty about Smile Akkina R Downing 7-24-17

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 11/5/2020 11:39:00 AM
You deliciously tempt me, Akkina:) Hope you have dark chocolate on offer! ~ Warm regards // paul
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Akkina Downing
Date: 11/5/2020 3:45:00 PM
I wish I can offer you some of my macadamia chocolate just received from Hawaii
Date: 3/21/2018 11:47:00 PM
haha, love this one Akkina and it reminds me of my wife and her obsession with the same. We all love something more than others would like, but we live in our bodies... and they have no place but their own. Wonderful poem
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Akkina Downing
Date: 3/22/2018 7:31:00 PM
Thank you so much James :)
Date: 1/27/2018 3:32:00 PM
sure made me smile Akkina, a poem I can definitely relate to and a HUGE box arrived for me today from a company called hotel chocolat - 7 different items all penguin shaped and made of choc. It was sent by my lovely son for my birthday lol:-) hugs jan xx
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Akkina Downing
Date: 1/27/2018 5:18:00 PM
Oh how sweet your son sent you. And I wish you happy birthday my dear friend Jan :) hugs and smiles :)
Date: 10/13/2017 12:06:00 PM
Chocolate is my favourite. I can't live without it. Nice poem.
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Date: 8/26/2017 2:46:00 PM
Wonderful piece Akkina!:) I liked this! And now I feel like eating one or two pieces of very dark and delicious chocolate truffles, which I don't have at the moment:) Wishing you a very lovely weekend!In His light God bless you always!:)) D.
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Akkina Downing
Date: 8/26/2017 3:26:00 PM
Thank you so much Dorian, I really appreciate your visit and this lovely comment. God bless you too.. hugs :)
Date: 8/8/2017 3:12:00 PM
Yep, most of us love chocolate, Akkina. this is a cute portrayal of your obsession for it. since I started eating healthier, I still do not remove it from my diet. I buy dark chocolate and eat at least one or two chunks of it a day!
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Date: 8/3/2017 10:59:00 PM
I think what should deprive oneself of what really like. But it's always good not to abuse. Anyway chocs are wonderful! I love ice cream with different flavours...:D Well done. GL :) Regs Sunita
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Akkina Downing
Date: 8/4/2017 3:00:00 PM
Thank you so much Sunita :)
Date: 8/3/2017 5:19:00 PM
Great piece now i want a candy bar or two. And I'm a firm believer in never feeling guilty for my obsessions as they are mine and don't hurt anyone else. I really like this poem Akkina.
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Akkina Downing
Date: 8/3/2017 8:22:00 PM
Ending my night with a piece of Cadbury now. Lol! Enjoy yours. James and thanks for your kind comments, always greatly appreciate :)
Date: 8/3/2017 1:05:00 PM
Akkina! Your are just like me, I love chocolate so much and I love your captured it in your poem. Presented deliciously (no pun intended) and elegantly
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Akkina Downing
Date: 8/3/2017 2:50:00 PM
Awe, thank you so much Kudzai, I hope you're having some today. I'm having some Cadbury now :)
Date: 8/2/2017 9:58:00 AM
Good morning Kina, what a fun read this is. Although now I am compelled to devour some chocolate today which is never a bad thing. And I wouldn't call your love of chocolate an obsession I'd say it's more of an exuberant pursuit of a tasty treat.
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Akkina Downing
Date: 8/2/2017 6:50:00 PM
Hello Ed, please do enjoy some, it's so much goodness :) I love my chocolate to the moon and back... Lol!
Date: 8/2/2017 4:05:00 AM
Akkina, Really like your photo with the Fish! And your Chocolate poem is Fun....That's a Beautiful Photo! Mike Reed
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Akkina Downing
Date: 8/2/2017 6:47:00 PM
Thanks so much Mike :)
Date: 7/30/2017 10:24:00 PM
mmm, this is my weakness. Nice :)
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/31/2017 7:09:00 AM
Enjoy a piece today Becca :)
Date: 7/30/2017 3:59:00 PM
Hi Akkina: Add me to your obsessive chocolate lovers. This poem was written where Chocolate is a diety! My compliments!
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/30/2017 5:10:00 PM
Haha... please do enjoy a piece today. You'll taste its goodness :) thank you Ralph...Hugs :)
Date: 7/29/2017 7:41:00 PM
I'm a big lover of chocolate as well, Akkina! Though, dark chocolate is my favorite as it's both rich and healthy. Still, I agree fully with your poem. :)
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/29/2017 7:49:00 PM
Yes dark chocolate is richer and healthier. I thank you so much for the lovely comment, Alyssa :)
Date: 7/29/2017 4:08:00 PM
I agree with Ravi...dark chocolate is even healthy. Sweet thoughts Akkina! : )
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/29/2017 4:55:00 PM
Oh trust me, I eat anything that's chocolate. Lol! Thank you Miss Connie :) hugs
Date: 7/29/2017 3:47:00 AM
Excellent. Well penned. Try 'dark chocolate' may helps with depression. Enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing it.
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/29/2017 4:58:00 PM
Yes I have eaten dark chocolate but I'm more hooked on milk regular ones. Obsesse with chocolate covered macadamia...Thanks so much Ravi, hope you're having a great day :)
Date: 7/28/2017 2:50:00 PM
You should have entered this into my contest.. im not the biggest fan of chocolate.. but many women seem to love it...
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/28/2017 3:02:00 PM
It was closed before I had the chance. And yes, I live on it everyday. Thank you though for stopping by, always appreciate it :)
Date: 7/27/2017 6:45:00 AM
I'm obsessed! Akkina...with your write and chocolate lol...god bless...^WW^
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/27/2017 7:08:00 AM
Lol! Please do have some today and enjoy that sweetness ;) thank you ^Wing Warrior^ ... have a fabulous day :)
Date: 7/26/2017 9:39:00 PM
Ohh Akkina my sweet! This poem just tickles my taste buds.., I have a mouth-watering craving right now. Delicious write :)
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/27/2017 5:32:00 AM
Lol, you're so funny my dear, but yeah, treat that craving or else you'll suffer all day ;) thank you Susan... hugs :)
Date: 7/26/2017 5:18:00 AM
I think I'll have some for
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/26/2017 5:55:00 AM
Why not? Lol! I'm having hot cocoa now :)
Date: 7/25/2017 7:09:00 AM
Reading your sweet poem my dear friend, Akkina, your obsession has become now mine! Superb analysis of obsession dear friend!
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/25/2017 7:20:00 PM
Oh I'm so glad to hear, I'm smiling for you my dearest friend Demetrios :) thank you so very much...hugs :)
Date: 7/25/2017 5:35:00 AM
How can it be an obsession if it's chocolate...enjoy it my friend...Thanks for sharing...Have a nice chocolate day
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/25/2017 7:18:00 PM
Thank you so much my dear friend Arturo :)
Date: 7/24/2017 8:04:00 PM
Well a girl has got to do what she's got to do!!An indulgence, an obsession, call it what you may- "take it to the limit". oh thats an old Eagles song. Akkina i really loved this fun write of yours. Shame you didn't enter it for Silent Ones competition? Thank you for inviting me to read it. Take care...Maria xx
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Maria Williams
Date: 7/24/2017 8:39:00 PM
well his comp. filled up fast, and its closed now .Shame that.You stood a good chance. I did enter it , on a very different theme. A personal goal of mine. Take care Akkina xx
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/24/2017 8:16:00 PM
I couldn't find his contest. Lol! But thank you so much Maria :) xoxo
Date: 7/24/2017 7:31:00 PM
Good one! Enjoy Akkina! I heard 'dark' chocolate even helps with depression. :)
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Akkina Downing
Date: 7/24/2017 7:45:00 PM
Hehe... thank you Miss Heidi :)

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry