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Bio - Bob Hinshaw

Well, you asked for it so here goes! I'm five-feet, eight inches tall from scalp to toes. Born October 1930 in Indiana - so there, I've revealed my age. I'm blessed with great health even at this elder stage. Happily married to my dear Vera for 62 wonderful years, And we've met life's vicissitudes with laughter and some tears. Two daughters Leanna and Leslie but, alas, lost Mark, our boy. Through the years they've brought Vera and me so much joy! I'm blessed with 6 grandchildren and 4 great grands. (I hope to stick around for more as my family expands.) Enlisted at age 17 in the Air Force in 1948 retiring in 1978. Assigned to Morocco, Germany and Japan which was great! I 'fought' the Korean War in Bermuda dodging sea shells. Met Vera in Bermuda and in Texas we rang those wedding bells! Retired as a Chief Master Sergeant, the top Air Force enlisted grade. 'Twas a challenging, exciting life and I'm sure glad that I stayed. While in the Air Force I earned a degree in Justice Administration, And upon Air Force retirement became a Colorado Bailiff for my vocation. I like folks who keep their word, are punctual and I don't suffer jerks gladly! Me and the Lord are working on this but I have very little patience, sadly. I love God, family and nation and enjoy writing poetry and even though, I've penned nearly 1200, alas, as a bard I've made very little dough! I like steak and taters and a sip of Beringers White Zinfindel now and then, And going to Cripple Creek to play the one-armed bandit when I can. Sorry if I bored you but once I began writing the words just seemed to flow. Now, you probably know more about me than you ever wanted to know! Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired (c) 2014 All Rights Reserved Entry for Regina Riddle's "Bio Poem" Contest

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 7/10/2020 8:10:00 AM
A lovely read, Robert ~ a full and exciting life narrowed down to a few but very meaty lines. I know for a fact you left out some accomplishments ~ Congrats!
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Robert L. Hinshaw
Date: 7/10/2020 10:37:00 AM
Thank you, Line. Happily, I've accomplished a lot of things that I set out to do. Sadly, my wife of nearly 66 years, Vera, passed away 2 years ago. Best to you and stay safe during these troubling days - Bob
Date: 5/26/2020 10:04:00 AM
Hi Bob! I have just met you and did not know of your win in Regina's contest. So here's a late KUDO's for you. You are an outstanding writer that humbles me. I cannot find Those That Served yet. Panagiota
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Date: 11/13/2019 4:00:00 AM
Hi Robert I work for a publisher and i would like to seek permission to publish one of your poems in an Anthology for students. How can I contact you directly? Best wishes Emily
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Robert L. Hinshaw
Date: 11/13/2019 9:13:00 AM
Emily: I'm honored that you consider one of my poems worthy of publication. Please contact me at my email:
Date: 11/9/2018 12:21:00 PM
Thank you for a lifetime of service to our country, Bob, and congratulations on your big win in the contest. Beringers does make a fine White Zinfandel! Nothing you tell us is ever boring, my friend. Be sure to check out Vijay Pandit's new poem "Coming Home." It's for veterans and I know you'll love it as much as I love yours! Hugs, Carolyn
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Robert L. Hinshaw
Date: 11/9/2018 4:15:00 PM
Thank you, Carolyn, for your kind comments and continued support. Yes, I will have both Thanksgiving with daughter Leslie and Christmas at my place with all the kids and grandkids. As I always tell folks when they thank me for my AF service, "I was honored and privileged to serve" I will check out Vijay's poem. Best to you always - love - Bob
Date: 8/5/2018 10:38:00 AM
lovely bio, Bob. God bless & take care, my friend
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Date: 10/21/2014 5:35:00 AM
- Genuine and very well written bio, Bob - A pleasure to read! - Congratulations on your wonderful 2nd place in the bio contest! - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Date: 10/21/2014 1:37:00 AM
Glad to know more of u Bob! Great to hv known you my dear friend, amazing write abt yourself! Congrats on huge win!
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Date: 10/20/2014 11:32:00 AM
Back with my congratulations on your win Robert.
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Date: 10/19/2014 3:44:00 PM
i love this one, bob! you've told so many interesting things about yourself and even managed to get some taters in there! if i were judging, yours would be first!
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Date: 10/19/2014 2:20:00 PM
Such an interesting Bio Robert it was lovely to learn so much about YOU:-) congrats on your podium place:-) hugs Jan xxx
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Date: 10/19/2014 1:13:00 PM
Dear Bob, I have always admired your service to our country, but I didn't know you were a bailiff or that you lost a son. Reading these bios gives us so much insight into a person's character as well as their achievements. Patience is a problem for many of us, so don't fret about it. It seems we have written about the same number of poems. Few obtain wealth writing poetry, but most enrich their lives in this pursuit. Excellent bio, Bob! Love, carolyn
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Date: 10/18/2014 3:25:00 PM
Far from boring us, I can say that this is a very enjoyable and informative bio, Bob...and in rhyme, too! You have done a lot in life; may God give you more years to enjoy your close and extended family...and keep that pen active! // paul
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Paul Callus
Date: 10/20/2014 3:11:00 PM
Back again...this time with congratulations on your high placement in the contest. // paul
Date: 10/17/2014 11:13:00 PM
Nice meeting you Bob, I agree with all the ladies, this really interesting to read I could have heard more, and Vera is such a nice lady. :) eve
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Eve Roper
Date: 10/18/2014 10:21:00 AM
I see that you changed it a little, a lot of what you have said is so like my husband’s comments of the 20 years he had spent in the Navy, 15 on that stationed in Japan Navy shipyards. I really enjoyed Bob. . :) eve
Date: 10/17/2014 10:32:00 PM
So nice to meet you Robert! :) I loved reading your wonderful friend. And it wasn't that many pages long. Lol let me see maybe you can tell me some problem.... Just kidding with you was a real pleasure to read you again...I give you a 7! Good luck in the contest! xxxx love & light! D.
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Date: 10/17/2014 10:25:00 PM
this was an outstanding bio from you!
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Date: 10/17/2014 10:10:00 PM
It is a pleasure to meet you Robert. It's so wonderful you can enjoy your childrens, childrens children. What a blessing.
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Date: 10/17/2014 10:04:00 PM
Mr Bob, this is so great to know more about you. Yep theres no money in it sounds like you are rich in everything that matters. Glad the military was good to you., it ha been for us too, my husband retired a CMS too. BG
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