And She Lies Sheltered Beneath the Oak
(There was roast chicken too with potatoes and cheese, though in the picture not seen! Before the shot it had been gobbled up...)
A table laid and baskets heap'd,
Sheltered in the deep scented darkness of the trees;
The wild strawberries picked ripe in the elven woods,
Jam in the pots delicious sweet.
Wine's enchanted icy cold, tumblers filled up to the brim,
Been touched with specks of gold, poured from a bubbling spring.
At the foot of the hills, and dressed in black,
I stood there still, and a few yellow'd leaves.
Rising against the wind, a rose bloom twirls in the breeze;
Sends her perfume to the silver greens,
And to the far corners of the vale.
Under the lids, dripping dew from twigs, I watch
The rolling mist that hides her face,
And the forsaken wedding feast.
A shadow falls on her heart.
Beneath the tall oak her secret bed,
The flower simply drops to the earth,
And there it goes to sleep.
As the distant music, and the autumn wind from hills;
Fall into a hush, the final notes recede.
For Giorgio AV's : Ekphrasis Contest 01
Copyright © Gautami Phookan | Year Posted 2015
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