All You Need Is Cheese
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Tillamook is a real cheese brand, and one of the best I've ever had - I encourage anyone who has not tried it to check it out, if you can - you won't be sorry!
The humble cheese has a secret superpower
Its gooey glory conquers cauliflower
The melted cheddar of fried baloney
The better half of macaroni
The sharp-dressed suitor of apple pie
A fondue tryst with crusty rye
The love child of curds and whey
Eloped with pillow soft souffle
This Muenster does not pursue peasants
The tang of blue can be quite pleasant
Smoked Gouda's so good, seconds I'll take
While leaving room for more cheesecake-
My foodie knowledge was remiss
Thinking all foreign cheese was Swiss!
Don't fret, American, your place is true
What would tomato soup be, without you?
I live in the Northwest, where I can cook
with the best cheese brand of all - Tillamook!
for Write a Poem about Cheese contest
Sponsor: Barry Stebbings
Copyright © Michelle Faulkner | Year Posted 2018
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