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Adrift In Fiction

Poet's Notes

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Dedicated to all the book lovers

Placid rain gently kisses unblemished windows as leaves fall in an Autumn breeze. In the distance cinereal clouds congregate, converging upon the city's royal citadel. Oblivious to the storm, adrift in cultural fiction she sits immersed from the ambience of the scent of new leaves. Hypnotised - tranquil words enchant her mind, as her eyes nonchalantly embrace each paragraph. Her heart is at peace, relating to each character, some that make her smile - others that displease her. Jealous winds blow abundant rain, like bullets shooting against her window. Attempting to distract from her infatuation, but her spirit is an unconquerable fortress. The world is forgotten to her, as her soul performs the role of her favourite character. Observing to learn through them, so she can learn about her self. The final page, the last sentence, leads to watery eyes. For the peace and beauty she experiences in books, she does not find in life. Simple Musings Silent One 5 October 2017

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 10/4/2018 9:30:00 PM
The warmth of a book brings love and adventure to all! Loved the write! A sad last line but she will grab another off the shelf and dive in.
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Date: 4/2/2018 12:10:00 PM
Oh wow so very profound my friend and the context of the painting helped me appreciate it even more! Good job man
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Date: 1/2/2018 4:25:00 PM
I enjoyed this poem & makes me want to pick up a new book. I didnt know how else to write to tell you I just submitted a poem using a 10-word challenge you had a while back... I just now let some words scroll together & because they were words u chose...I capitalized them & thought to share the poem with you for thoughts. It is entitled "To be with you"
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Date: 12/22/2017 11:07:00 AM
Hi Silent, I really loved this well written piece. I could most definately relate to the young girl in the story. If I could put into words how I feel about books , It would be something like this.Excellent job my talented friend:-) Alexis
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Date: 11/1/2017 9:42:00 AM
Your writing is just sooo good always. The next to the last stanza speaks to me when I am identifying myself with some character. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty, thinking I should read something more educational. You took my guilt away with this lovely expression.
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Date: 10/28/2017 9:51:00 PM
Ah the last verse just blew me away. Brings back memories of all the romantic books I read in my earlier life and true. They were sketched for the oerfect dream world of love forever and ever. Life and true living are relatable but require more muse, lol ty for sharing!
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Date: 10/26/2017 1:04:00 AM
Gently kisses unblemished windows, I like it, some nice word combinations, all in all very good write, enjoyed!
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Date: 10/23/2017 8:20:00 AM
What a splendid piece, so tastefully written I could see her sitting at the window book in hand. You are truly a master craftsman thank you so much for sharing your talent with us. have a blessed day.
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Date: 10/22/2017 4:32:00 AM
A masterful piece...wonderfully expressed with a beautifully woven mood. I can relate...don't know what I would do without my books to take me away! Thank you, SO, you never fail to inspire..
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Date: 10/18/2017 2:55:00 PM
Brilliantly expressed! Fiction used to work that magic for me. I outgrew fiction at about age 30. No room in my brain for fantasy.
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Borke Avatar
Hannah Borke
Date: 10/19/2017 11:03:00 AM
Graduated from fiction, for good. With the exception of the few classics that I missed, and Rose Lane (ingalls, Wilder) -- who I hadn't gotten to. The same with respect to movies and acting. The space in my mind is reserved for truth.
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Silent One
Date: 10/18/2017 3:00:00 PM
Not all books are fantasy, I believe more fiction books are written than non fiction.. Even the majority of novels..
Date: 10/13/2017 4:08:00 PM
Very thought provoking and instructive poem, SO. Me was once she, back in my youth when I chose to escape the violence of my surroundings thru the timeless portal of books. Guess that's how I got my proficiency for language. Anywho ... a mesmerizing work of art, truly it is. Consciousness elevating prose. Love your work as always, my friend. Love and peace forever.
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Date: 10/11/2017 7:37:00 AM
Oh that is a lovely read. Your words hypnotize me, as well as your subject. Nicely penned.
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Date: 10/11/2017 5:40:00 AM
Brilliant, just brilliant . What more can i say Silent one:)
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Date: 10/10/2017 7:52:00 PM
An awesome moving write S/O; I think a lot of folks can relate to this young bookworm!~Che :)
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Date: 10/10/2017 10:08:00 AM
Wow, I'm faving this beauty, Silent One, and saving that matching picture too:)
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Date: 10/8/2017 2:14:00 PM
"For the peace and beauty she experiences in books, she does not find in life."..I like this line..Books can carry us away..Thanks for the visit to my page..I appreciate you stopping by and taking time to comment..Sara
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Date: 10/7/2017 7:40:00 PM
This is one of your very best, Silent One. As a person who once read constantly, I can really relate to this one. It's very well written! Love the picture too.
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Date: 10/7/2017 1:27:00 PM
Read this a couple of times, summoning new meanings and feelings each time. Such betokens good poetry. I was rather adrift, letting your words take me according to their will, and I was not displeased with the destination. I was particularly captivated by the final lines.
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Date: 10/7/2017 11:23:00 AM
Though, i may be a summary, i tell you, i read the book within your write. A good poetry talks to the soul as just your poem does. A good writer conveys his thoughts in way that catch the readers attention, as you do do in your write. You are a gifted writer. Thanks for commenting to my poem.
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Date: 10/6/2017 8:05:00 AM
That is me I live in books. A perfect hideaway for an empath. Terrific write!!!
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Date: 10/6/2017 7:47:00 AM
A Good fiction book is better than any movie or video because your imagination that you create is far superior than how someone else interpreted the story to have your own vision! That's what I encountered with the Harry Potter movies versus the books. The books had rich imagery in my mind, I kept a vision of how everything looked and the actions of each character!Of course in the movie you get to see the events come to life! What a wondrous poem about this wonderful thing! Great Work!!
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Date: 10/6/2017 12:44:00 AM
One can get so caught up and lost in a book, I can identify with this read completely. I commend you on this brilliant piece Si and I can easily see why you are one of the most favoured poets in this site. A fave from me....Maria
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Date: 10/5/2017 8:07:00 PM
Escapism is a beautiful thing and so is your write Silent One. Elegantly written and such a joy to read - smooth as silk!
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Date: 10/5/2017 5:02:00 PM
A lovely poem with a topic to which I can easily relate, S-1. Books are my downfall...always have been! The ending of this poem is superb. Regards // paul
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Date: 10/5/2017 4:53:00 PM
stunning piece that renders me breathless, especially the last few lines....S.O, this is splendid!..huggs
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