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True Blue Poems - Poems about True Blue

True Blue Poems - Examples of all types of poems about true blue to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for true blue.
true blue pride
under this southern sky we all should adore for this land has never burned with any war. our life has always been one that is free free from from tyranny. under the southern cross we show our true...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, celebration, patriotic, pride,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member True Blue
Interviewing Mr. Blue: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Blue, whose hue is true? Yes, sir, my heart sings in azure notes, while trembling in cerulean. Mr. Blue, are you as rich as they say of you? Yes, my friend, I possess sapphire and...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, blue,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Gone But Unforgotten
I will never be ready even though you signal your leaving I foolishly keep the bright days since so much yet needs sharing of long partings after our intense then rare meetings of wild childhood stories and unfathomable...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, brother, eulogy, longing, love,
Form: Elegy

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member My True Blue Sky a Revision
I'm taking pictures Underneath my skin I’m taking pictures Of the places I'm in I keep your image Deep within my heart With every falter Of a broken start I’m living questions I forgot to ask I'm finding meaning In the daily task I'm being stable In...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, appreciation, deep, imagination, inspirational,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Vegemite True Blue Marmite True Poo
So Marmites great leader has spoken He finally came out of his jar His soldiers which are yet to be named Are travelling to our Aussie land afar Sir Tom states Vegemite is the poor mans Marmite That is...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, fun, humor,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I Am True Blue
I am true blue Loyal to you When your heart cries out in sorrow I will shelter you from your fears keep your eyes from spilling their tears I will steadfastly staunch their flow I will shelter you from your fears shield...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, devotion, friend,
Form: Ballad
True Blue
A divergency of sorts. Breaking away from the norm. I’ll never conform. A harmonious verbiage full of love and hate. There’s no reason to segregate. Planetary arrangements spoke softly to you. As the crowd of constitutes walked away. From a Texas governor...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, anti bullying, corruption, discrimination,
Form: Rhyme
True Blue
The Trumps' greatest fear has come true Their White House lease will not renew Just not enough red To feather Trump's bed Ivanka and Jared are blue!...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, color, political,
Form: Limerick
True Blue-Steve Irwin
Steve Irwin had a love of wildlife and a love of his family for their future in life Steve always liked to rapture the paradise of Mother Nature and the bright boldness of life Not long after Steve was born he developed his...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, animal, earth, environment, family,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My True Blue Sky
My True Blue Sky (A Vision) And then a lens Says focus Past feeling And a first A sky Goodbye A reason why At open with A thirst A stare A sky before Me A true blue...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, allusion, beautiful, confidence, courage,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member True Blue Fisherman He Longed To Be
True Blue Fisherman He Longed To Be Once a seeking lad of long dreamt desires true blue fisherman he longed to be within summer's heat, its burning hot fires went he through desert to welcoming sea Only to find that...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, boy, fish, fishing, happiness,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member True Blue Music Lovers
True Blue Music Lovers Eyes squeezed, ears held shut, When the Koto is plucked, and Kimono girl shrieks in league, After much sake, The Zither is fined tuned, and The Soprano is well dressed. 2019 April 29 *3rd Place* Best Sedoka - 577-577 ~~Lu Loo...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, analogy, appreciation, change, drink,
Form: Sedoka
Premium Member True Blue Chosen By God
Bluebells and bluebonnets sprinkled against the horizon Azure sky smiles, streaks of turquoise and light blue Delighting each other as they race in and out of the Remnants of what is left of the bluest meadow, The...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Blank verse
The Redeemed Assurance
THE REDEEMED ASSURANCE God will ne'er leave you, come what may! He will stand right by you all the way. Trials could sometimes seem long and fierce, And drowning weights of burdens and cares; But God will never forsake you. He...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, christian, encouraging, faith,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member True Blue - True Story Not For Contest
Son’s comfort teddy was called Blue If mislaid it would cause a to do We purchased another So Blue had a brother - I admit that my son never knew! Our son adored his teddy and we were so worried...Read the rest...
Categories: true blue, baby, nostalgia,
Form: Limerick

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