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Short Stressful Poems

Short Stressful Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Stressful by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Stressful by length and keyword.

Premium Member Vacation
Release from stressful workforce...

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Categories: stressful, vacation,
Form: Monoku

Home Gardening
Home gardening is
The most favorite pastime
For stressful life....

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Categories: stressful, engagement, motivation, passion, perspective,
Form: Senryu
Stressful Vacation
Stressful vacation
In-laws staying for six weeks…
Where's the Valium?...

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Categories: stressful, angst, family, people
Form: Senryu
Premium Member day trip with children
day trip
hard journey
hours in car
children are complaining

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Categories: stressful, travel,
Form: Cinqku
Premium Member A Tapas Interval
a tapas interval

tiny portions to while away the time

of stressful day


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© Julia Ward  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stressful, food,
Form: Verse

Stressful Minds of the Divorced
Oh how I loved thee contrary to time, and space - my mind slips the present into the future----tense....

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Categories: stressful, angst,
Form: Free verse
You are in my memories, 
You are in my heart .
Never be solitary,
Never be apart .
You are my raw , 
I make your craft....

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Categories: stressful, 11th grade, adventure, blessing, blue, books, color,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Stressful Times
At times silence is golden
At very stressful  times silence  comforts and  is golden  peace.  ...

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Categories: stressful, life,
Form: Free verse
I have an awful stressful job
I have to do it to earn a bob.
Round and round
Like a shiny ball in a pinball machine.


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Categories: stressful, on work and working,
Form: Rhyme

a stressful moment to recall
of poor decisiveness
bad choice
bad and sad.


Drencho POET Loads....

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Categories: stressful, stress,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Enough Already
A drive into the city
Reminds me of my morbidity --
Traffic zipping every which way
Makes for a most stressful day 

Written April 21, 2022...

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Categories: stressful, city, feelings, me,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Summer Fest
Beach. Jet skis.
Playing. Swimming. Skiing.
Relaxed, restful, stressful, tense.
Working, bill-paying, boring
Time-stealing, unfulfilling

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Categories: stressful, vacation,
Form: Diamante
Premium Member Pressures
force, punish, burden,
insistent coercion, and threat,
compulsion, tension.

Stressful stranglehold,
urge, force per unit area,
fuss, influence, duress....

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Categories: stressful, 11th grade, angst, emotions, feelings, how i
Form: Senryu
One Thing Leads To Another
Sleepless nights form stressful days,
Stressful days flow into hazardous weeks,
Hazardous weeks melt into deadly years,
Deadly years, are where we are stuck....

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© Jade S  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stressful,
Form: I do not know?
Joker the Cat
He wants what he wants and that is that
Lounges around but never gets fat
A kept cat no doubt,
That plays till passed out
The stressful life of Joker the cat!...

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© Pat Adams  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stressful, cat, cute, fun,
Form: Limerick
Pungent sounds sullen, sullying,
Feelings stark, severe, stressful,
Aflame, singed, searing, smoldering,
Thoughts surging, seeping, slinking,

Placid…As my eyes awaken…...

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Categories: stressful, angst, life, visionary,
Form: Alliteration
Np Stop Fighting
Noise Stressful, Abrasive Disturbing, Aggravating, Irritating Fights, Argument, Agreement, Serenity Resting, Soothing, Relaxing Wonderful, Peaceful Quiet

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Categories: stressful, inspirational,
Form: Diamante
smile to a wonderful day 
even though the day is hard and stressful
smile,you can make it through the day
I want you to be happy
I want you to smile
just smile for me please....

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Categories: stressful, caregiving, faith, friendship, day,
Form: Free verse
Intensifying stressful tensions
Anguished, worrisome, troubling, sorrowful

© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
February 22, 2010
Poetic form: Cinquain...

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Categories: stressful, angst
Form: Cinquain
Twisting the Night Away
She thought her new job would be stressful
hearing third shift would be dreadful
at first she was slow
bending the dough
twisting all night to make perfect pretzels.


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Categories: stressful, humor, work,
Form: Limerick
Troubles truly come to anyone 
when he is in stormy weather. 
He's really in stressful form 
because of depression. 
His mind is tortured 
by anxiousness 
and worries 

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Categories: stressful, poems,
Form: Nonet
Happiness is a wonderful thing
to feel inside your heart and soul.
It warms the body and mind.
It satisfies your day
and expresses you.
Happiness makes
you look non

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Categories: stressful, happiness,
Form: Nonet
The Rope
prompted on the chair a little still
rounded head with the tail of a snake
forcing stressful eyes against their will
to perceive a task of sin to take
morbid strands of fiber tempting wake...

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Categories: stressful, allegory, mystery,
Form: Cinquain
Today I played tennis
It’s such a stressful term
I can’t seem to get a ball
Or even hit one too 
Feel like it’s a snitch 
In Quidditch of Harry Potter
Very, very dizzy
From all the work I’ve done...

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Categories: stressful, sports,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Son's Check-Up
My son went for a checkup, wound up in emerge Docs were alerted, thought he might be on the verge He's only fifty-two Has a stressful job beaucoup Tests proved negative but caution should be urged

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Categories: stressful, fear,
Form: Limerick

Book: Shattered Sighs