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Predominate Poems - Poems about Predominate

Predominate Poems - Examples of all types of poems about predominate to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for predominate.
Old Man Winter now flagging, and slip sliding along
...Old Man Winter now flagging, and slip sliding along... as his stronghold diminishes. Signals, triggers, and ushers kickstarting debut of demure "Flora" who slowly but surely attempts to revea......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, america, animal, birth, celebration,
Form: Free verse
Emancipation proclamation from Samson fixation
...Emancipation proclamation from Samson fixation Otherwise titled deep into my fiftieth year of passive aggressive rebellious puberty. Yes, I chickened out getting a haircut yesterday August twen......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, 7th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Self Portrait
...I like to paint myself. Should I be a face in the crowd? Shouldn't I be the one fondly holding my head so high? To be poised, I peep into my mirror, shedding her shroud. My physique seems fit; why......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, art, self,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Thoughts on Iowa and My Childhood City
... “And I remember Muscatine -still more pleasantly - for its summer sunset. I have never seen any on either side of the ocean that equaled them.” Samuel Clemens in his younger years when he wor......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, places, youth,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member More Often I Would Pause
...When I am gone, I will regret expended time I wasted lavishly on matters less sublime. For too long I have been in constant motion til Inveterate blindfold broke loose and let me ......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, life,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Something To Ponder
... Something To Ponder Miracle Man 3/10/2022 Unburdened by truth, we exist at a time in history where social media has become the predominate way to perpetuate falsehoods. Much tim......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hypnotic Seed
...If I where but a flower I would completely overpower Passion exploding upon slow motion Burst forth gently, inducing satisfaction Numbing pain, exuding pleasure, irresistible Wafting flow, p......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, allusion, feelings, flower, sensual,
Form: Free verse
Sacrilegious Transgression Against Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
...Siege warfare (trumpeting) average joe biden his time linkedin with aberrant behavior transpires within me mind, (not just today December 5th, 2020, but everyday/365) warrants depleting stock......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, allusion, freedom, hair, health,
Form: Free verse
Breaking Out of Our Cocoon
...The invisible disease still lingered in the air. But it was not as predominate as the smoke that could be smelled everywhere. After Ura, the demon of plagues, began to fall into her one hundred yea......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, america, christian, strength,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Love's Difference
...What is the difference between an anti-theist and a pro-humanist? What is the difference between a terrorist and a terrific zest? What is the remainder when subtracting NonZero-Sum WinWin ......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, community, culture, earth, education,
Form: Political Verse
Bully, Oh Bully
... Pronunciate, predominate, preponderate, prevaricate, Precipitate, pontificate, pomegranate, postulate – Pr......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, anti bullying, children,
Form: Free verse
Desperate Message Never Sent To Kim Jong Un
...Oh please for the sake (and sock e) of brethren deemed friendly, i be see-ch ye with genuine humility to desist launching nuclear missiles. This American bloke put his lock, stock and barrel......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, angst, anxiety, crush, death,
Form: I do not know?
Port Talbot
...Port Talbot The city of steel, Is the place where I belong, Under its industrial cloak and working class reel, Where talent is abundant and steelworkers are made from steel. The city of steel,......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, business, corruption, culture, freedom,
Form: Political Verse
Light and Dark In Love and Life
...The world is a vast market of trading love though it is not a visible commodity at all every man and woman are buyer and seller they either buy or sell love at an uncertain profit some make inter......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, dark, light, love,
Form: Free verse
Winter - a Hard Place
...A damp, dank odour pervades the saturated forest; pungent. acrid; The stench an assault on the human senses: Working subtly, slowly permeating every pore until it compromises the very heart of the ......Read the rest...
Categories: predominate, animal, appreciation, bird, dedication,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry