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Light and Dark In Love and Life

The world is a vast market of trading love though it is not a visible commodity at all every man and woman are buyer and seller they either buy or sell love at an uncertain profit some make interest, again some lose capital but nothing can be obstacle of its buying or selling, it only depends on the classes of love, physique, mental demand, ability, and psychology of the lover and the beloved, Different people seek different loves some seek spiritual love with God once, which was in dominating position making the world heavenly, some seek paternal, maternal love with parents that is the responsibility with having birth, some seek friendly, brotherhood, universal love some seek love with humanity are obviously great all these classes make our life happy and perfect, Now, two classes of loves among humans between male and female predominate over all nuptial love is superior, necessary to grow mankind, for orderly and peaceful human world but wanton love is inferior which embases the world and turns it into an animal state it is mainly the ancient theory of love in human society much of agitations, disputes, chaoses origin from it nevertheless, it is predominant over nuptial one, The buying or selling of love is action has a mixed reaction on lover and beloved, to some, love is heart beat love is life is, no love no live they draw multi sizes, shapes, colors of heart as love sign on paper, cloth, body and mind they want they sing love songs, write love poems they wear color glasses to see the world romantic, To them, love is a great hope in empty mind no hope of hopes of deprived but a hope is love a bunch of weeds in vast sea an oasis in horrible, fiery desert life enjoying force in all positions over throwing power of incursion and vulnerabilities by love all impossible becomes possible all dreams becomes practical love is heaven, heaven is love, To some, love is the mirages in desert there looking for water, diseases of brain and mind, the smashing of heart on blood sucking stone, tears drinking eyes in the lonely, ghostly earth, greedy merchant of making money even from a word, hungry lion fiercely roars eats any animal even its own kid, hungry ocean wants to engulf even the whole earth, To them, the whole world has turned into hell there love rings the death bell a vast deep forest full with ferocious beasts a deep roaring ocean full with sharks and reptiles a giant’s bulldozer crushes all things and beings to say love there is nothing, nothing, nothing what’s that is devils’ consultations fury apes ‘ noisy gathering annoying, screaming in ever raping wilderness, Love is love not got automatically it comes from heart, in heart if it is cultivated for the people, for the animals and for all. love is essential in human society as love comes from God, it is heavenly that should never be spoilt rather, should be properly built with same bricks one after another without saying anyway, ‘no more, no more’.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 9/23/2016 7:19:00 AM
A GREAT POEM THAT LELLS ....... To some, love is the mirages in desert there looking for water, diseases of brain and mind, the smashing of heart on blood sucking stone, tears drinking eyes in the lonely, ghostly earth, greedy merchant of making money even from a word, hungry lion fiercely roars eats any animal even its own kid, hungry ocean wants to engulf even the whole earth, To them, the whole world has turned into hell there love rings the death bell a vast deep forest full with ferocious beasts a deep roaring ocean full with sharks and reptiles a giant’s bulldozer crushes all things and beings to say love there is nothing, nothing, nothing what’s that is devils’ consultations fury apes ‘ noisy gathering annoying, screaming in ever raping wilderness,
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Muzahidul Reza
Date: 9/23/2016 2:16:00 PM
Wow!!!!!! Thank you BLUE for making my poems some clue
Date: 9/23/2016 4:20:00 AM
Wow! Excellent, meaningful, best poem thank you BR
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