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Poker Poems - Poems about Poker

Premium Member I cannot play Poker
Some people can play poker Not me My thoughts and feelings sit at the edge of my face Jumping on the necks and backs of people If you disgust me, my disgust might take a bite out of you If...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, me,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I cannot play poker
I cannot play poker Unless I want to lose all my money My wedding ring, my house, my car and my husband My thoughts are all over my face There is nothing hidden from anyone The most nonobservant person can...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, me,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Slots poker machines unsolved murders Illinois
Lake county music company filled with slots carney folk real carny folk the little pete's illegal gambling road show throughout the Midwest gaming like your idol Frank Peter Balistreiri the mad bomber stops Metropolis...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, allah,
Form: Nazm
Premium Member poker face or joker face
I had heard of a poker face, haven’t you? But this was the first time, the first time true That I heard of a joker face in blue It happened when I visited my cousin Sue She took out...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
When Sheep Play Poker
"A straight! Two-three, five-six and eight," but Mildred bleated, "Ain't no straight; you, Alice-ewe, are one dumb rump." Bright chortles burbled round the stump till Jingles raised, "Two straws of hay," too rich for Fay-Fay: "I can't play, though, know...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, animal, humor,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member Strip Poker
There once was a young lady I tell you she was somewhat shady She played some strip poker With brother's friends mediocre In walked her mother quite shaky ...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, character,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Poker
All cards are on the table Esau holds kings and queens His secular greatness is swift Many chiefs reign in Edom Jacob draws but two's and three's His family lags behind in Egypt Becoming slaves to Pharaoh Is God playing the losing...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, analogy, bible, faith, future,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member poker face or joker face
I had heard of a poker face, haven’t you? But this was the first time, the first time true That I heard of a joker face in blue It happened when I visited my cousin Sue She took out...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Poetry and Poker Life of Tragedy
Categories: poker, absence, analogy, anger, anxiety,
Form: Blank verse
Red Hot Chili Pepper Poker Face
Red hot chili pepper poker face... Born that way angry antithetical mailer daemon when... all of Christendom bows their collective talking heads in supplication, a temporary truce and reprieve against bigotry, deviltry, idolatry (nah), et cetera across...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Poker
Feel the rush, Chased the ghost, These are the things We miss the most. All of the laughs and all the cries, These are the words behind the lies. Never again and never enough, Know when to hold and when to bluff. Defeated...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, fun, light,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Poker
The queen of hearts always deluded him, never let him win. He had sparkling time with the ace of diamond, getting it he’d bet the highest, and win, at least in poker. ___________ May 25, 2023 Contest : A Diamond Of Time Sponsored by : Julia...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, games, metaphor, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Poker Sketch Brotherhood of Eternal Love
Poker Sketch “The Brotherhood of Eternal Love” What did we contemplate; while at the fire-front, sooted: Hot faced, In three D: In those long minutes, of pleasant ; extended hours of misguided endless, diluted from an unseen “two...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, dark,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member Liar's Poker
Why do politicians so often look like cats trying to cover up s..t on a marble floor? John G. Lawless ©11/3/2022...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, political, satire,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Frightening Poker Game
I am afraid of clowns someone said. No one laughed. It was a serious poker game. Chuckie glared in my direction. I had not noticed Freddie or Jason yet. Concentrating so hard on my cards. When I looked up I tried...Read the rest...
Categories: poker, halloween,
Form: Narrative

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