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Monkey Poems - Poems about Monkey

Monkey Poems
Monkey Poems - Examples of all types of poems about monkey to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for monkey.
Premium Member Monkey Flings Poo
Monkey Flings Poo Monkey Flings Poo By Josehf Lloyd Murchison...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, analogy, animal, humor, humorous,
Form: Other
Premium Member Monkey Business
Marauding foxes mutilating fruit, minutemen mischief-makers marching upon us, pick our pockets; laugh at our loss. “No mangoes for sale.” Maimed, mangled, mashed. Sweetness disparaged until death. Ants and gnats will...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, animal, culture, environment, fruit,
Form: Free verse

O to keep mind’s monkey at bay
A learned man in his discourse once said, Fear sin, fight with and save from sin your skin, To which a long silent sage objected: Stop this slaughter of self, sink in your sin. The...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, humor,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Gratification of Senses Adagietto
His tears faded away with the most concerning image of tommorrow ever seen modern usage of a Jollux man. Spearing to victory or so he seemed as he speared up meat and cabbages for the supper he had planned. It would exclude his wife who wished...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, adventure, analogy, beautiful, character,
Form: Bio
A monkey and a donkey
A monkey and a donkey, went and stood by a tree. To tell many of the creatures, how the future should be. Then monkey saw a man, who was made from the sand, but was smart enough to know, how to trade...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, 11th grade, absence, addiction,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A Surprise in June
Vivacious, young Adele was quite popular, for she had lots of friends; Like night's affinity with creamy stars, of joyful glitter that never ends. She was a professional pet sitter, doing so for her chums sometimes, Like the...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, animal, fun, nature, nursery
Form: Couplet
As a gymnast with zestful glee Going to and fro she likes to flee Climbing up then down freely Swinging herself wondrously Showing off to pet monkey she does see on the tree. With jubilant and vibrant spree There she is,...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, christian, giggle, girl, happy,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member The Girl on the Monkey Bars
The girl on the monkey bars likes to bring joy particularly to every young boy. who shows up on the school playground. As she hangs from the bars, the boys gather round and stand underneath her. I bet you...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Girl On The Monkey Bars
The girl on the monkey bars Looks like a boy from afar Swaying up and down Huge muscles on both arms. Trying to imitate spiderman Shifting from bar to bar to stun To show her unique kind of sport By dropping her...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, girl,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Girl on the monkey bars
the buxom girl on the monkey bars, swung around, legs open wide, on arms, she wore her lace nickers on her head, that raised general public alarms. All men watched standing, all stiff erect, most bachelors, one with wedding ring, no...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, beautiful, emotions, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
The Girl on the Monkey Bars
The girl on the monkey bars Hanging upside down The girl with the auburn plaits Riding through the town The girl with the toothy grin Hopping to one knee The girl in this rhyming tale Is the one and only me...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, fun, silly,
Form: Rhyme
The Girl on the Monkey Bars
I was the girl on the monkey bars The chubby ten-year-old girl that could barely do much on them I attempted to swing across all twelve bars But couldn’t even get past two of them I...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, fun, hilarious,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Girl On The Monkey Bars
The girl on the monkey bars Was once quite a playground star She fell one day in the park Lost her footing but gained a spark She became quite a strange canary Making up new games and words like qillary Not...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, girl,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member the girl on the monkey bars
Never will she stop beetroot chops My daughter's Tenth time swinging across Children behind waiting, their arms crossed in a strop I call out and say, Being fair you are not Then reaching quickly she climbed to the top Pointing her...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, age,
Form: Rhyme
The Mother of Parliament-- REALLY
I just watched Prime Ministers question time, What a noise like monkeys trying to mime. The speaker sits up in her chair, Both sides shout the row filling the air. This is the place from which our country is...Read the rest...
Categories: monkey, business, class, culture, future,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry