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Mockingbird Poems - Poems about Mockingbird

Mockingbird Poems - Examples of all types of poems about mockingbird to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for mockingbird.
Premium Member Gaslit Skies
Do believe the truth we tell you Don't believe your lying eyes Say the mocking birds now calling Filling these dark gaslit skies While the children all around us Reaching up with open arms Wonder if we’ll protect them or Leave them...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, corruption, psychological, spiritual, war,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member mockingbird
a mockingbird chose church yard tree to build a nest.... swooping, pulling hair congregation said someone needs to get him tamed.... now priest flies in...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, bird,
Form: Senryu

The Mockingbird
A melodious tune in the morning Floating in the morning breeze An artist on the stage The genius of the skies Day by day the sound drifts through our doors Orchestrated by an all knowing creator The heavenly acapella A wonder to...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, animal, symbolism,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Mockingbird
"Mockingbird" What sayst thou? Now, here you sit and I speak to you through strange keys revolutionary, poetry what is thy purpose for? A mirror wall? Where visions unseen speak and reply contritely black and white pedestrians robed in all...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, muse,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Mockingbird
mockingbird sits ruffled feathers in mid-june .... contemplating ...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, bird, june,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Mockingbird
MockingBird Mockingbird can't fly, Mockingbird can't sing, She's not allowed to do anything. Cold naked, all alone, in dark dirty room that, daddy calls her home. Strapped...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, betrayal, dad, father daughter,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member To Land a Mockingbird
To land a mockingbird, sent out an innocent cat; one that wouldn’t eat a bird if it was starving. A mockingbird’s greatest fear, hatchlings being eaten by a feline foe. I had a tabby who never bothered a bird; he only dined from...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, animal, bird, cat, nature,
Form: Free verse
Mockingbird Deboned
Ye cursed with too much knowledge, all fate’s within your grasp The destiny of all beguiled entrenched behind your mask To Thee of grace outstanding, the rose and bud the same Beginnings end as endings start assumptions die unclaimed Oh Ye who brave...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme
Mockingbird I watched a mockingbird build its nest this beautiful spring morning in June. A soft flowing breeze drifts with scents of orange blossoms and honeysuckle. Twig by twig – winding, twisting, weaving a tiny bowl...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, animal, beauty, birth, spring,
Form: Free verse
A deceiving tomcat howl. We are scolded,? poked with cattle-prods of sound.? Phonetic bodkins bedevil,? nails our ears to a demented aria.? ? Bird of a thousand jeers,? improbable impressionist? voicing out a shout to clout our minds? or mimicking the ominous threat? of rattling...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Mockingbird
mockingbird drinks from thawed birdbath throwing back head.... murder of crows fly murder: a flock of crows...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, bird, nature,
Form: Haiku
The Ever Mockingbird
songs from the mockingbird ~ are the sweetest songs that’s sung ...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, bird,
Form: Haiku
Tequila Mockingbird
I love to go boozin' with Susan (My Spanish just adds to confusion) Trump's Vanity Wall Is helping us all Experience tequila fusion!...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, celebration,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Mockingbird
Mockingbird, you sing to me each morn And throughout the day since you were born. You alone can understand the words Imitating frogs and other ...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, bird, imagery, night, sky,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Mockingbird
mockingbird attacks wiggling worm on hot driveway.... briefly hold brake down God blesses in so many ways. I see the Mockingbird that feeds from the ground and then drive up the road short way and there...Read the rest...
Categories: mockingbird, nature,
Form: Haiku

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