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To Land a Mockingbird

To land a mockingbird, sent out an innocent cat; one that wouldn’t eat a bird if it was starving. A mockingbird’s greatest fear, hatchlings being eaten by a feline foe. I had a tabby who never bothered a bird; he only dined from cans. One day a mockingbird nest fell from a tree, it’s eggs broken and soaking into the sun-warmed ground. Like feline, greased-lightening, my baby was being dive-bombed by mocking birds from both sides; his tail pecked to the bare bone, I cleaned and bandaged it. For weeks I had to carry him to and from his box so he could answer nature’s call. A cat with a bandaged butt, has no pride left. Yes, if you want to land a mockingbird, send out an innocent cat; they’re waiting...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 8/13/2022 7:58:00 PM
Oy, this gave me the chills. Poor cat!!!
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Date: 8/13/2022 3:28:00 PM
I've heard of the cat and the canary, but the cat and the mockingbird is surprising. I only have the warmest regards for the way in which you nursed your kitty back to health after such trauma. Robert
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Date: 8/12/2022 1:40:00 PM
Like people, some cats are just not understood. Glad you helped your injured Tabby, M.L. Have a good day, my friend. Bill
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