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Long Acclimation Poems

Long Acclimation Poems. Below are the most popular long Acclimation by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Acclimation poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Caregiving Stories Reprise
Wounded Sacred Dementia: Part Two

Dementia's derelict WinLose SocialWorker
suboptimizingly hesitates
when I tell her
I have not changed my mind
about not adopting Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
into my vulnerable home
with a seven-year-old AfricanAmerican boy
and unable to defend himself,
or even run...

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Categories: acclimation, caregiving, culture, earth, health, integrity, love, parents,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Mathgeek Passions
Healthy nutrition research
starts with wealth producing past searches,
individual through community co-investments
in good and fragrant meals,
or even harmonic and graceful music with dance performances.

Ingesting healthy passions 
consumes PositivEnergy wealth
for future co-productive system projections.

My evidence for future...

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Categories: acclimation, culture, health, humanity, humor, integrity, math, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Healthy Politics As Unusual
soars Dr. Jane Anna Gordon,
turns our co-empathic evolving democracy project
into a verbal,
regenerative more,
degenerative less,
occasionally Elite-Pirates v NonElite-Prey revolution,
and even more unconsciously occasionally 
Elite/NonElite Creolizing-SelfReGenerative
crave to grave 
multicultural Earth experience.

What could all this Elite and NonElite...

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Categories: acclimation, beauty, body, community, culture, health, philosophy, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Who's Crazy Now
I have an outside RightBrain dominant thalamus
to watch and listen to,
to feel confluent and resonant with,
to love,
as parent with child,
yet this is more of a mutual-mentoring of
notsad-notsad sustainable bliss
within our normally limited nutritional sensory environment.


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Categories: acclimation, body, dream, health, humor, identity, psychological, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Cooperative Family Politics
I think he's talking about a cooperative bicameral political system,
with "How to talk to the other side".

And what could that possibly mean, dear Yang?

I was watching this Ted-talk from Marin,
by Robb Willer, as I anciently...

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Categories: acclimation, culture, earth, family, freedom, health, humor, parents,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Perennial Problems
I suppose you might have missed out on Paul Feyerabend's,
and especially Thomas Kuhn's Problem of Incommensurabiity.

Oh, not at all.
I have not looked at science or culture
or language
or even your attempts at communication
quite the same since...

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Categories: acclimation, culture, history, humor, philosophy, religion, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Hymn To Farewell
Why does my multicultural applauding message,
my polycultural cheerleading,
sound so monocultural chant, rant,
a passionless litany of redundant verse?

Who would have it said of their voice
It remains both too rich
and yet wandering on far too long?

Even resonance

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Categories: acclimation, bullying, earth, education, health, humor, integrity, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Noneastern Family Politics
I began reading Jane Anna Gordon's "Creolizing Political Theory"
from the back toward the front,
as usual,
because if I appreciate where this narrative journey will end,
then I probably will find we start off with similar questions 

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Categories: acclimation, culture, health, power, , literature, , western,
Form: Political Verse
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Saturday, September 23, 2023  

Coincides with first day of fall
and Autumnal equinox for said year,
where colorful splash kindled like tinder.

After I riff flecked about thee August
Autumn Equinox 2023,
this seasonal polymath teached you 
fall Equinox...

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Categories: acclimation, animal, appreciation, autumn, celebration, cool, environment, heaven,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cooperative Evolutionary Analysis
I'm sure it was Rob Brezsny, again,
who first pointed out to me
that Western psychoanalysts give priority to pathologies within family relationships,
while Eastern analysts, more embedded in philosophies of interdependence,
begin with what nurturing health dynamics we...

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Categories: acclimation, community, culture, earth, environment, health, love, mental
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Following Earth's Light
Borrowing from David Holmgren, Permaculture Principles and Pathways Beyond [Win-Elite v Lose-NonElite] Sustainability, 2002, p. 1

Health ethics are Beloved Community normative principles
used to guide action toward good and light and right outcomes
and away from degeneratively...

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Categories: acclimation, creation, destiny, earth day, environment, health, humanity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Love Lesson Planning
First, imagine, if you can,
"Love" is not just a many splendored thing,
although it is that,
but behaviorists and existentialists behavioralize
the complex of emotions and consciousness
wearing that synergetic label
as active, sometimes spontaneous
an antonym for "competition."

Imagine you grew...

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Categories: acclimation, conflict, culture, discrimination, health, integrity, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Revolutions In Resistance
Before we had the LeftBrain eclipse word,
circa 1200s on back through space and time,
we had great sacred transformational co-arisings,
re-alignment as BlackHole icons
of ancient eco-alignments,
Yang solar resilience 
with Yin lunar resistance.

Before we had dualistic separation,
from sunlight's...

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Categories: acclimation, deep, earth, gender, health, history, math, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Cooperative Digestion of Earth's Ecopolitical Climate
Perhaps you have read
as I have not
Beard's "Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States."

Yet, here is my prediction,
and I promise to actually read it to confirm and/or deny,
so I suppose I more candidly...

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Categories: acclimation, culture, happiness, health, humor, identity, political,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Follow the Nutrient Stream
Regenerating light
reiterating bright as dual dark
fertile shadowing sighted polypathic light
when notnot night.

Healthy sight
as notnot dissonating blight.

Languaged cognition, thought, beliefs, ideas,
a LeftBrain Yang capacity
to extend internal emotional life,
evolving shared eisegetical stretch across a range
of empathic-trust to...

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Categories: acclimation, culture, earth, education, emotions, happiness, health, integrity,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Civilizing Savages
I stumbled over Paul Tillich's translation
of the MessiahMentor's Other Great Commission.

The Great Commission we learned in Sunday School
was to go out and convert the barbarians
and savages to Christianity.

Yet this Other Great Commission feels like a...

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Categories: acclimation, bible, birth, creation, earth, history, mother, religion,
Form: Political Verse
The remnants of August 2024 Hurricane Debbie
The remnants of August 2024 Hurricane Debbie

Like a humane huntress, she
(the anthropomorphized storm)
brought a spate of cool Autumn like
temperatures and gentle soothing rain
here within my neck of the woods
for the last couple of days.

No matter...

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Categories: acclimation, adventure, appreciation, august, cool, environment, fate, howl,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Notes From a Unitarian Child
Once upon a time,
an eight year old
Black and Green and Brown and Red and Blue Lives Matter
ultra-nonviolent kid
wrote an ultra-violet note to him/herself
about stuff s/he needed to full-rainbow recall
if and when s/he ever became
a worn...

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Categories: acclimation, age, childhood, culture, earth, health, religion, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Why Multicultural Education Matters
The Twelfth Principle

Cooperatively adopt
and responsively adapt
for creolizing acclimation,
best climate and landscape health practices.

The U.S. today
reweaves two points of national nurturing departure,
both taught in schools
and history books
and multicultural sciences
and scents
and sounds.

LeftBrain dominance,
here in post-millennial enculturing lands,

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Categories: acclimation, caregiving, forgiveness, health, history, native american, patriotic,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Ecofeminist Blues
how dominant or repressed,
predative or victimized,
winner or loser,
positive or negative,
show up in so many paradigms
of light,

And/Or predetermined
prejudicial shadow
too bipolar--

Not enough dipolar both/and
cause/effective co-arising nuanced circles
[not lines 
much less militaristic vanquishing bold squares]
recycling civility,
repurposing cooperative humanity,

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Categories: acclimation, culture, earth, health, integrity, peace, strength, woman,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Earthjazz Commons
ZeroSum Spirit
bicameral begins
playing through Ego-Eco Me.

Nondual trinitarian bilaterality
of a Mother Scaling Tree
forecasting and shadowing
healthy branching
and rooting properties.

Spirit consciousness,
DNA with RNA tribal strings
of multicolored cooperative intelligence.

developing psychology
WiseElder WinWin GoldenRulology.

full-mooned Boody
multiregenerational cosmos
where ev'rything grows living out
and fades...

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Categories: acclimation, addiction, community, health, humor, integrity, music, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Bank In Trust Coinvestors
In cooperative detective work,
including Earth scientific research,
we are told to follow the money
much more often
than feeling invited 
to follow the nutritional health investors
and the toxic pathological attackers

Whether our trail is a criminal
or political
economic impassioned journey

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Categories: acclimation, art, beauty, earth, health, money, philosophy, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Moving Times and Spaces
Moving into a new home
with anonymous neighbors,
whom you typically have not even met
before deciding where you will replant yourself,
and perhaps also your significant others,
sometimes including multiple generations,
and pets and plants,
all takes place before you have...

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Categories: acclimation, earth, environment, health, humor, marriage, parents, political,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Revolutions Within Earth's Evolution
Here we have a list of antonyms.
I hope terms on the left dipolar co-define
those on the right,
and vice versa.

Form                ...

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Categories: acclimation, community, health, philosophy, power, prejudice, wisdom,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Wiseelder Turkeys
My parenting totem
was the Hawk
of bicamerally perfect egocentric vision
usually greeted by a loud Yang squawk
and vigorous walk
in the other wrong direction.

My WiseElder totem
is the Turkey,
CoMessiah of CoRedemptive Dying
as notnot loving EarthTribe's future lives.

At eight,
my totem...

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Categories: acclimation, age, earth, health, humor, mythology, native american,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things