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Follow the Nutrient Stream

Regenerating light reiterating bright as dual dark fertile shadowing sighted polypathic light when notnot night. Healthy sight as notnot dissonating blight. Languaged cognition, thought, beliefs, ideas, a LeftBrain Yang capacity to extend internal emotional life, evolving shared eisegetical stretch across a range of empathic-trust to totally alien distrust transubstantiating entire extended families of language, culture, society, ecopolitical environments of nutritional light-flowing evolution of Self+Other ecoconsciousness from mere chaotic origins, introspectively ruminating feelings toward more polypathic ecosymbiotic explorations of feelings and their trust/distrust cognitive belief delivery systems about our mutually held, or not, ecopolitical ecological health and safety v pathology. Other than seriously damaged sociopaths, we each hope and hoe to become optimally effective ecopolitical communicators of healthy, happy, prosperous, nutritional cognitions with nondual emotional faces, to speak and act in ways that build not only ourselves but our perpetually extending multicultural families with increasingly polypathic acclimation to Earth's collective peace with ecopolitical justice, grace-effective love rather than mutual victimization and projected criminalization born of our own past empathic angers and fears of failing future trusts, as well as our self-isolating perpetuation of environmental behaviors toxic to our anthropological and ecological purpose of EarthTribe ReGenerators, Occupiers of and for health optimizing justice. We want to feed ourselves, each of our hungry sensory input receptors, and our families and friends, and, by extension, all our economic transactions and politically empowering relationships, therapy for what ails us, health for our future and future generations. This Earth-optimizing health-generation requires our cooperative revolution of empathic trust dominance throughout each interdependent ecopolitical network, unfolding day by day, moment to moment of cooperative v competitive choice, but also culture by culture and generation by generation and species by species of endo/ecto symbiotic ecoconsciousness, now bicamerally articulating great transitioning to reverse time in our collective polypathic imaginations back through at least 12,000 years when Earth's climate invited a more optimal stretch of EarthTribe regenerative consciousness, gradually calming down while spreading DNA out into ecological health and safety, more supportive ecopolitically positive nutritional systems, beginning to build up Left-Yang deductive icons to reflect Elder Right Yin's inductive ionic-bionic feelings about economics of digestion and political science of nutritional cooperatives verses pathological non-self-governing competitions of mutually non-elite side by side monoculturing immunity, dividing, reifying human nature from sacred environmental nature, causing bicameral stress, dissonance learning by earning to speak ego-identity self-consciously, awareness as feelers storing iconic messages for future health/pathology trends, written across the beating hearts of mindbodies long experienced with radiant powers of warm light and cold dualdark Black Embryonic Holes richly fertile integrative interdependent intelligent intuitions, composting fusions without words, unfolding time's integrity as regenerate revolutioning fractal-spinning elational potential evolutioning health toward beloved peaceful timelessness of cosmological ecoconsciousness, together healthier ecopolitical becoming toward this great optimal transactional now Paradise polypathic mutually gifting forward moment of together occupying and slow-growth sustaining our collective encultured felt re-experience of permacultural optimization, DNA's Original Intent within bilaterally unfolding spacetime, developing each individual within each species now aware we have always collectively shared this ecologically balancing power-with co-empathic trust this integrative polypathic potential. Still we struggle to speak and act with bilateral self-governing balance, to learn through following ecopolitical ecoconscious harmonics of thinking/feeling nondual empathic trust as notnot thinking/feeling integrative potential of regeneratively ionic-iconic EarthTime Herself, birthing in and of and for and through (0)-soul positive/double-bind negative four-prime equivalent dimensional cooperative WinWin Games for healthy network systems, DNA/RNA octave-harmonic iconic and bionic, polymorphic spaces within polypathic bilateral time. You are doing a great job of following the money, honey, said Yin through Yang. As we follow healthywealthy nutritional flow, said progenitive Yang through double-binding YinYin (0)-sum gifting-growth. Healthy plight of light following Earth's regenerative string of deepest richest nutrient streams of bright.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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