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Wiseelder Turkeys

My parenting totem was the Hawk of bicamerally perfect egocentric vision usually greeted by a loud Yang squawk and vigorous walk in the other wrong direction. My WiseElder totem is the Turkey, CoMessiah of CoRedemptive Dying as notnot loving EarthTribe's future lives. At eight, my totem was muse Dragonfly, greeting and bowing to Eastern red sky dawns, mysterious wordless delight. Yet also warning me, to get to Hawk yang strength on into Turkey WiseElder resilient years I must bear through my early adulthood Bear totem, adolescent polypathic dirges of synergetic introspection, lust for perenially nutritious Hibernation Dreams of eremetic Earth as Paradise now climatically and critically and pathologically overpopulating Lost, awaiting total colonization of spring as AmericaFirst Welfare Found. Although these multicultures and DNA tinctures, scents and colors, from Eastern DragonFly through Southern Bear through Western Hawk through North American Turkey were not inter-relationally accessible until I learned to translate polypathic Turkey into polyphonic fractaled perennially recycled ego healthy ecowealth. Turkeys prefer resilient WiseElder years and bearing hawk regimes cooperatively thriving. To sustain Dragonfly endurance through WinLose competitions Business as not-WinWin Usual. Turkeys appreciate sleeping through roosting nights without WinLose nightmarish interruptions. Turkeys cannot tolerate LoserEgo against Loser EcoPolitics because such lack of self and other esteem breeds darkish NegativEnergy climates of pathology. Turkeys link their WiseElder ego-internal loops and caustic lumps with their EcoNatural external climates and improvising clumps. WiseElder Turkeys and Hawks and Bears and muse-dreaming DragonFlies bear through nuturing Energy Democracies, co-operative restorations Turkey-invested fully grateful for mythic GoldenRule ecopolitical WinWin co-relational structures. WiseElder Turkeys LeftBrain polytheistically pray, but never prey, and beg and full-flight non-violently demand other WiseElder Turkeys to EarthLove our WinWin way back to reconnect Grazing Commons where lies now our epic pathology mess. Mature resilient Turkey multicultures, with natural-spiritual nondual inside-outside DNA assumptions prefer to grow restorative multigenerational justice with all nutritional positive energy Tribes of and for Democratic Life and no more plutocratic AntiTurkey suffering death And have the turkey nerve to call this Commons Easter Rights of cooperative WinWin SuperGodSun Might, and Thanksgiving, and InterDependent Turkey Day. Turkeys Left with Right West with East interdependent Yang with nondual empty Yin Zero-WinWin summations reweaving bilateral wu-wei memories spiraling slow flow like turkey gravy made with goat's milk on steaming organic smashed yams. My ultraviolet turkey gravy has a lot to say which might not be the case after just this one bright day. She sings in pro-life spiraling colors, She speaks to restore health-wealthing odors. My bilateral nondual turkey holds up outside racing natures to her inside harmonic spirits, hoped for well-nurtured egocenter gathering inside wellness EcoCentering Schools of improvising WinWin acclimation support without WinLose distractions. She worships Father's Sun and Matriarchal HolySpirit Earth nondual GodNatured EarthSoul with interior SacredGaia AnimaMundi spiraling co-arising Core Greek with Latin restorative resonant orthodoxy of nondual NatureSpirits CoArising to breathe in ultra-violet North, breathing out toward where we all DNA secular ecologically economize with RNA sacred light theology since prime political beginning of space as also time. RightBrain WinWin Prime Zero notnot CoRelationals, PositivEnergy Democracy's original intent of Wild BiLateral Turkishness through spacetime.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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