Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Hymn To Farewell
Why does my multicultural applauding message, my polycultural cheerleading, sound so monocultural chant, rant, a passionless litany of redundant verse? Who would have it said of their voice It remains both too rich and yet wandering on far too long? Even resonance can become monotonous, whether you are a polypathic ethologist or a monotheist or harmony-synergy addict or all the above outside, while growing polyculturing integrity inside. So perhaps it is past time to find a new tune, to transition more greatly within some other range of spectral paradigms. Yet before letting go here to grab hold in some other medium with some fresh breezing messages, perhaps a farewell to my most avid listening followers along this now well-worn Tao of JudeoChristianity Way. Both of my faithful followers probably share my inordinate or even superordinate interests and investments in applying cooperative corporate WinWin Game Theory to Systems Theory and EcoSystemic Development v Climate Degeneration, and binomial-binary-bilateral Information Balancing Systems and PermaCulture Design and Nutritional Therapeutic Planning to ReStore-ReWeave Ecojustice relationships, healthy empowerments and healing interventions wherever health-wealth therapists and traumatizers of LeftBrain dominance raise our co-arising inside-outside faces. WinWin ecological passion opportunities with WinLose economic and political co-passionate risks. As for the remainder of my more casually interested readers, who could care less about Game and Systems Theory, whether headed toward chaos and dissonance and breakdown or toward fractal doublebinding octaves of sacred holonic complexity, harmony, balance, synergy, Perhaps we can share more fruitful journeys through Creation Stories and ReCreation Reweaving Stories appropriate to monoculturally born WinWin infants becoming wary multicultural ambivalent, yet curious, WinLose adolescents reaching for WinWin polyculturing resolutions of integrity before retiring to mentor this four-stage psychological and ecological co-arising journey from monocultural WinWin beginnings of delightful grandkids emerging and extending out toward polypathic and polyphonic and polycultural WinWin WiseElder outcomes, Especially if kept free of tyrannies and toxins, malformations of overYanged military too-industrious retributive hate and fear and anger enculturations. Bodhisattva CoMessianic Yogis creolizing transubstantiating endo- and ecto-morphing seven generations forward longing to feel and see smell and taste most gifted grace merely dreamed of seven generations back, and many more toward emerging ZeroCore TaoTime. Language choices for ZeroSum Tao BiLateral SpaceTime folding and unfolding, weaving and unraveling, implicating and explicated, inducted and deducted, reduced, regenerating and degenerating must become nearly infinite, and co-arisingly coincidental, and accessible through our DNA-scribed memory and collective dipolar images and appositional imaginations, sounds and their echoing silences, and icons of sacred WinWin rewoven memory, We are each regenerated ecological survivors of Elder RightBrain monoculturing-monochromatic pre-history, Then emergent Left-ElderRight healthing confluence and pathologizing dissonance of LeftBrain dominant patriarchally industrialized colonization Dissonance of EgoWin, so EcoLose equals ZeroSum competitive assumptions about anima mundi, EarthSoul for staging LeftEgo-RightEco Balancing BiLateral Processors Designers notnot polypathic-polyphonic, neural-sensory inductive-deductive dipolar resonant co-arisings; ZeroCore TaoTime. And in saying so, but not necessarily in praying so, confined to crippling LeftBrain dominant language and ionic ecological--bionic psychological paradigms, I continue trying to balance forward my LeftBrain secular WinLose with my RightBrain sacred WinWin internal disassociations, bilaterally negative divestments from health. Retributive injustice learned from fundamentalist EitherOr deep valleys, LeftBrain dominant patriarchal Elders and through revolutionary Left-Right restorative justice healing patriot-matriot Yang-Yin Ego-Eco Left-Right Convex-Concave (Bucky Fuller) bionic-binomial-binary double-binding memory acclimation strings of SacredEarth Elders. Elders permaculturally inducted then deducted, induced then exduced, deduced, reduced, seduced, informed then binomially exforming, regenerated then degenerating, diastatic healthed then statically pathologizing, vital then entropic, polycultural climax then monoculturing collapse of healthy midway climates, internal as external. Positive WinWin over positiveWin-negativeLose creative intelligent design choices for ZeroSoul multiculturally iconic languages, measurement, calculation, inductive breathing in and deductive breathing out, Yang then YinSquared, WinEgo short term? Then WinFractal EcoAnima Mundi, longterm Gaian Teleology. It could be useful even to casual readers expecting poetic justice and hoping for restorative therapies, to mainstream Gaian Teleology As defined by PermaCulture Design's polycultural outcome WinWin standards, as also ReStorative EgoEcoTherapeutic Justice with MultiLateral Community Peace, as also ReGenerating Healthy CoOperative Climates over Degenerative Pathological BusinessAsUsual, Patriarchal LeftBrain dominant enculturation of good and loyal and patriotic WinLose soldiers self-righteously invested in GreatFather's divinely-inspired Retributive Vengeance through Might Makes WinLose Right. What a horrible anti-EarthSoul way to start and end each Sacred EarthDay as seen from at least Cain through My Lai.
Copyright © 2025 Gerald Dillenbeck. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry