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Irks Poems - Poems about Irks

Irks Poems - Examples of all types of poems about irks to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for irks.
I think, there are ghosts Part One
...I think, there are ghosts. They stay quiet, the ghosts do. Mostly quiet and invisible. You would hardly know there is one there in the room with you. They are there though. Watching, haunting really......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, absence, death, grief, imagination,
Form: Free verse
Once again, yours truly takes poetic license
...Once again, yours truly takes poetic license. Whenever the missus irks me or complains... I tell her don't "Hock me in chinik" nor kvetch before long tête-à-tête escalates in2 Kanipshin whereby......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, adventure, age, america, angel,
Form: Free verse

A Shepherd's Day
...A Shepherd's Day by Suzanne Alexander (SA) Wee, from East then West! Seen one side then Next. Feel a beautiful day, start is laid Sjoe, from sting of Ray.This said, Baa, from Ewe - distinct ......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, 12th grade, emotions, imagery,
Form: Ballad

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Your flaw endears Dear more than irks
...No one nor you, me love, be free from flaws, A flaw endears more than it ever irks, It sounds strange, dimple a dire flaw ere was, Life comes alive with foibles, whims and quirks. A mortal li......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, beauty, for her,
Form: Sonnet
Booby Trapped Within Apartment Unit B44
...Booby trapped within apartment unit b44 Circa August 18th, 2021 three bajillion years ago to date, nevertheless I count blessings, so please do not hashtag me as worse than an ingrate or o......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, adventure, anxiety, confusion, divorce,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Its Time To Tell You
...Let me tell all what is real.' That there are those Who your lives; would steal' and lies do love Yet more to degrade; to slap others faces In retrograde, who count how long or short the Time, th......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, analogy, bible, christian, dedication,
Form: Rhyme
The Feather
...A rage of weather is tethered to my ribs, held by a soulful feather, silent as a dead foe. It will totter to tatters but always get better, but always gets......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hallows' Dusk
...In the frame of grim dusk the shapes curved of wolf bark, Out of the iron gate a man tall in grey cloak appears still on the hill looming large in the dark, he comes down as the grips of the night......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, fear, fun, halloween,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Autumn Irks Waltzing Sunlight
...Mists show vaporous idiosyncrasies emotionless crying over the essence of the dull sky, same as a gentle walking unsophisticated steed embrace a forceful natu......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, analogy, autumn, change, dream,
Form: Free verse
Come Out of Thy Shadow
...Oh! Earth why are thou despondent? What ails you? Oh! Earth why are thou troubled? What irks you? Why do thou sit in despair? Rise, Be of good cheer, Better days lie ahead, Thy beauty returns......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, earth, hope, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Art Work
...A quirk there lurks Unmurked It irks......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, humor, word play,
Form: Footle
...When a jackhammer’s outside your door It’s a sound that you cannot ignore. You can’t focus or think And your brain’s on the brink Of a meltdown, like never before. For the rat-a-tat-rat-a-tat ......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, city, sound,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Callous Homeowner
... No trespassing! You with the straw hat you need to go You’ve a startled face that laughs as you scratch your belly Recycle man and your thirty-nine-gallon bag in tow There’s nothing to sal......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, conflict, hate, judgement,
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member Forked Tongues
...When someone lies to me, sometimes it's difficult not to turn and walk away. I think they do it because of one of two reasons. Either they need to feel important, or because they think I'm too stupid......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, integrity,
Form: Rhyme
An Adverse World 7 Plus 7
...Living disobediently and having damaging depression was my past I was an alcoholic drug addict that wanted satisfaction to last I’ve been constantly abused mentally, physically, emotionally and in ......Read the rest...
Categories: irks, angst, nature, passion,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry