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Its Time To Tell You

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The write below is drawn from what I an learning Hearing and have seen, and am seeing unfold.' God bless any who read and take heed.'
Let me tell all what is real.' That there are those Who your lives; would steal' and lies do love Yet more to degrade; to slap others faces In retrograde, who count how long or short the Time, they will allow; the rest of humankind.! They own so many temporal things it irks my Mind i feel the sting, I surmise it now.? Yet inside I know..That ( tic tok )9 is run by 'the w h o' its not Chinese as time will tell, yet it is a part of the plan From hell.' No virus came from China either it just To elude our reason..To mither..' I warn you all I Hope you'll heed.? Stand clear don't allow lucifers Seed to be sown in your spirits or minds.' Their end Dosn't tarry yet it slumbers a bit.' Till those of evil are Full with it.' They will inherit from the wage of sin They shut the door to Jesus and would deny you Also to go in, yet they have no lasting power i say.' Turn and call on Jesus this God made day.' Who alone All doubt and confusion dispells, whos name your lips Can praise and tell.' Into your heart accept His Love Converse with our father, who is above all principalitys Every rule, escape from deception be no longer fooled.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 6/12/2023 9:05:00 AM
"Escape from deception be no longer fooled". Scriptures do dispell confusion. Great lines! Scriptures show Jesus was given all authority to rule as King, from his God and Creator. Ps 37:9, 10, and 20,22 says wicked will perish, vanish like smoke.Meek inherite the earth. Till then, stay strong my friend.
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Joe Maverick
Date: 6/12/2023 2:52:00 PM
Thank you for the stop by Barbara '
Date: 5/29/2023 12:32:00 PM
Truly, it is all a demonic plot. We, society, make our own gods. But Jesus Is King…no one made Him king…He just is. Man could not crown Him king. He already was and is and will be. I agree with you. Accept Jesus…live for Him…love through Him…have eternal life…have Jesus!
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Joe Maverick
Date: 6/4/2023 8:54:00 AM
Too true Kim.. Reality is just that. Its there and its not Going to change, neither will Jesus.'

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry