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Describable Poems - Poems about Describable

Describable Poems - Examples of all types of poems about describable to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for describable.
Premium Member Little nothings
...It's nothing.. Whatever seems That's it It's nothing... It's not nothing Nothing seems as Something and It's not something... Indescribable words Used as words T......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, appreciation, joy, words,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member One September Morning
... It was indeed a September morning and most memorable; So unlike any before or after. I remember the PLACE, coming upon a hill on a famous California highway as the sunlight began to light up......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, september,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member No separation's appearances
...No separation Is not describable Unknown.. But all appearances Are appearances of No separation... ......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, irony, words,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Indescribable
...The indescribable Appears as Describable Rendering the Describable As indescribable.........Read the rest...
Categories: describable, i am, irony, words,
Form: Light Verse
...Love describable in words Echoes through the sentences Roses are red and it is about you The sky is blue and we have love to pursue Endless and enduring love Together for all times A Champagne ......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, angel, appreciation, best friend,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Michael Angel of Healing
...He was invisible to the human eye or so it appeared until the energy of the sun pulsed upon my shoulder Suddenly His radiant face illumined my sight, and it was then that I felt the power of ......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, appreciation,
Form: Narrative
The Idol For the Idle
...When one is mostly idle; Laziness is one's idol: Things are stopped in the middle; To use your time you fiddle... The idle hears out riddle But feels not its sharp needle It's a voice that ca......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, character, evil, image, people,
Form: Rhyme
What I See In the Holy Bible
...I can see that The Holy Bible Has not Good Words it kept for Libel: Whoever has been badly defamed To not feel like Our Lord ‘The Profaned’ I sort of spot in Holy Bible The Faces of Men that d......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, emotions, feelings, god, religion,
Form: Rhyme
The Late Michael Jackson
...An enduringly charming singer, His heard voice did linger, His conquering kicks of a Ninja, To The Despairing, a ginger. Wondrously effusive a singer, His lyrics a bell ringer And to millio......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, celebrity, character, confidence, confusion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Empowering Regenerative Healthcultures
...Living is our shared regenerative tradition as Earthlings, And dying is our autonomously separating fading degenerative position as former organic life systems living ego-identified upon a......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, culture, earth, health, history,
Form: Political Verse
Dreaming About You
...Her mind Reveling like A sea of glass As a crystal Pondering As deep as a well With a satire way About her, with A touch of Babylon Love dwelling with Irresistible ways Sassy speech......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, love,
Form: Free verse
I Submit My Kiss To You
...When you came into my life you capture my soul and when we embraced I felt a weakness though out my whole body, our compassion is like no other.The feeling of our first kiss were as, if the ground we......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, feelings,
Form: I do not know?
Satan's Catechism easy to speak of suffering and love so instead we'll speak of the one body many minds problem it is the wisdom of pain vs. the wisdom of pleasure vs. the wisdom of extinction the greater the......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
The Table - the Difference Between Heaven and Hell
...The Table "The Difference Between Heaven and Hell!" A man found himself standing before the Pearly Gates of Heaven. He stepped out of line and walked o......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, heaven, humanity, imagery, inspirational,
Form: Narrative
Is There a God
...If God is something that you think, It is only a process that you drink; Wittgenstein's answer of yes and no, Does only referential justification show. Societal concepts are never jokes, But ......Read the rest...
Categories: describable, angst, deep, education, faith,
Form: Heroic Couplet

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry