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Empowering Regenerative Healthcultures

Living is our shared regenerative tradition as Earthlings, And dying is our autonomously separating fading degenerative position as former organic life systems living ego-identified upon and economic-ecologically within an organic Sun/Earth Revolving HealthSystem spiraling through Time revolving through Space, a global organic ecohabitat network. Anthropoid memory of matriarchal history proscribes unrealistic feelings by prescribing realistic natural images outside which remain only negatively describable as unrealistic untrue unhealthy yet felt as darkly spiritual evil unorthodox imaginations. Perhaps it is not an accident of felt memory that "evil" is "live" left-brain traditionally labeled in reverse of healthy regenerative eco-political experience within a wealthy win/win climate of commitment to cooperatively restoring redeeming regenerating EarthPeace empowering AnthroMatriarchally remembered Justice Truth Trust in liberally loving winAnthro/winEarth co-passionate intent. Feelings, followed by processive thoughts of progressive acquisition, anticipation of healthy digestion, But also negative feelings of dissociation pathology aversion diversion verbally-associated anxious reversion untruthful win/lose or lose/lose evangelical perversion, Both positive and negative, but not positive or negative, together present pre-visionary maturing awareness of integral/disintegrating systems of bilateral health-discerning consciousness, EgoLeft/EcoHabitat-Right hemisphere integrally balancing with bias for regeneratively systemic health care and against degeneratively unsystemic monoculturally unsustainable non-resilient anti-resonant cognitive-affectively dissonant opaquely egocentric win or lose anthropocentric disempowering imbalance, Sensing human natural care receiving more and better and healthier from multicultural metaphysically ecological analogical spirited care-felt giving back into eco-invested EarthJustice, where all polyculturally robust resonant life-energy systems most resiliently matter to past through future healthy climate regenerators. If more egocentric left-brain dominant capitalism begets narcissism begets colonizing nationalism, monotheistically overpowering EcoSystemic right-brain integral eco-feminism, then multicultural democratic tribalism may more health-wealthily remember synergetic history organic matriarchal regenerative poli-ecological polypathic win/win warm wet womb originally felt integrity Living experientially nourished tradition, unlike nationalistic --win everything or lose your competitive business self-governance edge-- history books, and competitive win/lose patriotic biographies which are unlike organic ecosystemic biological mental and physical health texts Are multiculturally and systemically and historically framed by regeneratively democratic organic co-empowerment NonZero Sum/Soul holistically remembering integrity non-verbally felt health-thriving life webs of multi-regenerational Tradition as ever-present synergetically healthy change, Ego/eco-bicamerally communicating wealthy regenerative processes building more robustly integral systems within most resiliently health-wealthy EarthJustice/PeaceFelt resonant networks Moving verbally left-brain dominant forward and non-verbally right-brain flowing backward and forth, Atomically segregating deductions and Temporally uniting inductions Systemically-favored restitutions regenerations of image and memory and intuitions from metaphysical pre-imagined win-infant/win-matriarchal illuminating dualdark womb historical/cultural reMEMEory re-ligioning Anthro/Earth ego-feminist integrity Both enlightening political LeftWing And empowering economic RightWing dipolarity co-arising organic co-investments in win/win multiculturing sensory eco-political safety psycho-neurological health positive light--cooperative power Outside-inside Yang-Yintegrity nutritional wealth healing healthy co-operative multiculturally valued win/win ego/eco-systemic outcomes.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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