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Michael Angel of Healing

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He was invisible to the human eye or so it appeared until the energy of the sun pulsed upon my shoulder Suddenly His radiant face illumined my sight, and it was then that I felt the power of His blessed light, and that un-describable feeling that said, "You are not alone" He whispered in my ear "receive the stars" and off I went to deliver the healing, miles away from home ; Days when by and then one day I received a phone call, "I don't what I did to deserve this but all I know, is I am healed" "By the Grace of God and His Holy Angels" I added. Never underestimate the ability of an Angel to make you whole again. Be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, once an Angel has wrapped their wings around you, all you can do is say "thank you" and then add, " Amen"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 4/15/2023 7:27:00 PM
beautiful, have a sweet sunday
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Date: 4/14/2023 6:11:00 PM
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