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Contemplate Poems - Poems about Contemplate

Contemplate Poems - Examples of all types of poems about contemplate to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for contemplate.
Premium Member A good day to contemplate Australia wide' they shall celebrate
Soon will dawn Australia day.' A date on the calender some Pages away..Its the first poem from me, on this holiday In the past I was not one (for its celebration lets say?) Yet Decades have sifted me.'...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, appreciation, celebration, character, courage,
Form: Free verse
Winter's Rain
The first winter’s rain Brings in the chill in the air The sun hides behind the overcast sky Playing hide and seek with the grey clouds A gust of wind whooshes through the trees The cold weather is set to...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, books, rain, sun, time,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member To Contemplate Mortality
Life has its ups and downs its highs and lows Barren stretches ...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, death, fate, life, motivation,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Contemplate Poem Lionel Derbyshire And did mine mind wander to places be on leaving grey mouths behind back home now alone .. still I sit at a lake in the park called consolation and contemplate .. watching calm silver water sliver into small waves. I am in quiet...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, appreciation, best friend, cry,
Form: Free verse
Think accurately Prefer not to choose guesswork Wins absolutely....Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, career, dedication, mental health,
Form: Haiku

Life Is a Dancing Frequency
Life is a dancing frequency and being off key can cost you to lose your soul and return back to the abyss. Nothing can escape the void. Unless, you stare it in the eyes and it stares back. And then...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, courage, fate, inspiration, meaningful,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member We For a Moment No Longer Contemplate Death
We For A Moment No Longer Contemplate Death Solitudes, please I beseech thy soft calming breath In Nature I yearn a cool breeze and quiet hour We for a moment no longer contemplate death And beloved Spring dares to...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, creation, death, deep, humanity,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member The River of Life
I wish I could immerse myself in the pages of history, time, and deep reflection...letting go of everything I think I know and give myself another chance to clarify my perceptions and beliefs in the river...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, bible, books, history, humanity,
Form: Rhyme
I Cannot Contemplate a Child
In every man, there is a child.--Santosh Kalwar I cannot contemplate a child-- His essence is much too complex; Though I look deep into his eyes, His soul I cannot fathom yet. Suffice it, thus, that this I know: A child...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, 7th grade, child, men,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Derelict
He walks with a limp, dog in tow, lives on streets, 'neath an azure sky says, "Morning," with smiles as he goes Wears logo, "Like you, I could fly." but people compartmentalize. He's one of the derelict crowd, some say...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, community, destiny, discrimination,
Form: Dizain
Premium Member Contemplate
That I could soar and glide effortlessly o'er snow-capped colossal mountains, watch my visionary dreams pile up and up, contemplate the winding harrowing paths that led to chilly but charming cascades, with their aquatic pleasures, all exquisite bliss. How my...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, hope, life, visionary,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Contemplate
Nothing is seen when the darkness abounds to cover the lamp that hangs in the soul and brings confusion that often confounds when life gathers a storm out of control free the mind, contemplate what is real with inner visions...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, introspection,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Contemplate
Quiet pieces of my heart, fragile Delicate like silk or hope, Betray the breath of my past, Aching through the flames Burning away my disgrace, my shame Lifting doubt from the shadows Gentle stars reflect my soul, shimmering Like laughter from the...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, appreciation, heart, inspiration, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Contemplate On This
Consider if space is an entity Within whose womb we grow Clearing debts of love we owe Until we vaporise ego identity That within which forms exist Is propelled by a higher power God bestowing a bliss shower Fulfilment if we cease...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, god, space,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Lone Poet
synergistic souls intimate union of words ~ lone poet ponders...Read the rest...
Categories: contemplate, introspection, poetry, poets, words,
Form: Senryu

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