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Bifocal Poems - Poems about Bifocal

Bifocal Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bifocal to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bifocal.
The setting sun weaves a poem, blossoming unsung trochaic along the river basin
...The setting sun weaves a poem, blossoming unsung trochaic along the river basin (Nurulhuda Junction. Teesta) Sometimes it feels quite an estranged thought to realise that living is a mundan......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, beauty,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sidewalk Chemist
... I test the gum And the scum That came from So many feet Scrape the blood And the crud Between mud Smooshed on concrete I sample spit Ample birds*** All with a flick Of the wrist Coz I......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, city, fun, science,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Where Sacred Meaning Fades
...Where juicy historic purpose fades and pre-historic nonverbal nonviolent sacred meaning polyculturally creolizes WholeOpen systemic shade preserving future health intention Is where we also ......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, health, integrity, light, math,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Is There a Boy For Me- -
...mama why must I be alone; all of the other girls got there boy and gone; with me left here all alone; is it because my looks haven't shown; some call me homely; the reason why I'm lonely; The......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, analogy, anxiety, desire, for
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Love Lesson Planning
...First, imagine, if you can, "Love" is not just a many splendored thing, although it is that, but behaviorists and existentialists behavioralize the complex of emotions and consciousness wearing ......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, conflict, culture, discrimination, health,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Health Producing Wealth
...Wealth, in a competing anthropogentric, aging egocentric, world depends on cooperative health of LivingEarth; To paraphrase Johan Rockstrom, from the Stockholm Resilience Center. Our comp......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, caregiving, earth, education, health,
Form: Political Verse
If Only You Agree
...If only once you agree IF ONLY YOU AGREE I can fetch moon and stars, Oyster pearls from the deep And all the comfort of this world. If only once you agree! Stay assu......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pearls Beneath the Harbor
...Our bank accounts nearly emptied so we could afford a vacation; two young working girls who'd never been far from home. We were looking forward to finding love on a romantic tropical island. Maybe so......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, people, places, world war
Form: Haibun
Premium Member You Don'T Know Me
...Everyone has the freedom of choice Everyone has an expressiveness to save their own voice Who are you who am I to judge this choice You don't know me You don't know me I may have rebelled ag......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, america, baptism, celebration, christian,
Form: Free verse
Moronic Express
...There once was a good hubby named Nick, on his wife, he tried to play a trick- Hot wax on the table, was willing and able, but sick wifey came down with a tick. So he dumped out the w......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Jenny and Lenny Hook Up
...Lenny was 30 and still living with his old cheese, everyone called, Lenny’s mum. She was always on his Cadbury Snack to go find a trouble and strife for a chum. “Geez, leave off mum, I’ve been look......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, humor, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Exegesis of Original Intent
...The ugly head of the Original Intent issue co-arises with what were our ForeFather Patriarchal Patriots thinking and feeling to leave out prohibitions against antiChristian degeneracy, and to put ......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, body, destiny, earth, health,
Form: Political Verse
...Playbill: Sept 8, 2001 Time gives a bifocal view to the written scenes of life. Mental screams of past strife. Broken pencils lead to scenes being inked, unable......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, cry, depression, faith,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Mocking Reminders
...There they sit, those mocking reminders, on my nightstand table. I wish I could just throw them out, but I find that I am unable. There they sit, reminding me, of the life that we once shared, Bef......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, sad,
Form: Rhyme
Grief Enough To Go Around
...Just like you to make a last minute date, leaving me a quickly scribbled note, before tossing aside that broken campaign pencil from last year's election-- I remember you snapping it apart when ......Read the rest...
Categories: bifocal, america, death, grief, husband,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry