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Banished Poems - Poems about Banished

Banished Poems - Examples of all types of poems about banished to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for banished.
The King Banished a Cat
The king banished a cat, such a jest, To Madrid, in the west, on a quest. With Spanish cheese and feline grace, It grew plump in that very place, Then married a funny in haste....Read the rest...
Categories: banished, cat, fun, funny, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Deception In Soup Creek
Deception In Soup Creek There once was a town called Soup Creek amiable and quaint Filled with all these characters, a perfect picture they'd paint It was founded to protect the innocent Where one was welcome to come visit A...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, betrayal,
Form: Rhyme

Banished By All
An outcast to all His presence is unholy Forever banished Submitted: 29/03/2022 copyright...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, absence, dark, evil, hate,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Banished
I wait to be deemed a criminal. They tell me my imprisonment is terminal. As my innocence pervades. I become a waiting specimen as deception invades. I am the hope that they resent. They were...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, mental illness,
Form: Rhyme
Banished Or Freed
Untether my blood, for it is cruel. Sanity drips from my veins like gruel. As my web of failure becomes unthreaded. I feel I am unheaded. As delusions that are kind take hold. Not as...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, mental illness,
Form: Rhyme

A Banished One
World is an illusion or in it Don't flout, be the one Or rebel and banish Be firm in and flout As a child World obstinate Till truth reavel...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, social, society, world,
Form: Free verse
A Banished Breath
The toxic air begins to plow A banished breath below his brow, A contorted face the last thing we see Ignorance thrust by just one knee; My brother’s pain lies on the ground There’s no escape for he is bound, The...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, abuse, betrayal, fear,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member She Wolf Is Banished
Kind thoughts were hard to come by After the she-wolves began comparing stories Feeding off each other, exaggerating her infractions By the time Grandmother Wolf entered the den It was too late to refocus the she-wolves They were stirred and...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, animal,
Form: Prose Poetry
It’s an ache in my chest, A loss of breath, Hot tears and no rest. It’s a sacrifice of love On a platter of pain. Down low I remain. It’s a fall from grace To a dark empty place. Disgraced. It’s a loss of...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Banished
Something I really haven't destroyed yet Perhaps tomorrow it'll happen but dontcha bet Sometimes it happens at will Though I've heard there are pills But banished from the Soup I'd surely regret...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, dark,
Form: Limerick
This is not a sex song, this is just a grown up transaction, this is simply getting it wrong- yet we don't have a day after, this is none other than a fight to the finish- yet we're fending off...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, anger, beauty, butterfly, car,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member Banished Bauble
I’m a Christmas bauble I was hanging on a tree Then I caught ‘Tinselitis’ Now no one wants to hang around with me! For many years I was used As a Christmas decoration The children would stare at me With awe and...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, christmas, humorous, tree,
Form: Rhyme
BANISHED autumn evening breezes float fresh through my bedroom window birds twitter dusk messages in an early sunset crescendo trying to take in something nothing registers feelings innuendos just hollowed echo a blandcold numbed November BANISHED © Kim van Breda...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, autumn,
Form: Free verse
Banished have you seen the man with long arms walking down your street by sight have you seen the man with a long face because he's nowhere to sleep tonight have you ever seen...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, change,
Form: I do not know?
The Tragedy of the Banished Revolutionaries
The Tragedy of the Banished Revolutionaries. Epochs apart, yet, bound by conscience, Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, Ram. Enduring the whispers of time, through creeds professed, sermons preached, and a million sins confessed. Though, the essence, of these banished revolutionaries, is ceremonially muted by ritual, and gleefully crushed under, grandiose edifices, that serve...Read the rest...
Categories: banished, allah, christian, christmas, devotion,
Form: I do not know?

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