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The Tragedy of the Banished Revolutionaries

The Tragedy of the Banished Revolutionaries. Epochs apart, yet, bound by conscience, Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, Ram. Enduring the whispers of time, through creeds professed, sermons preached, and a million sins confessed. Though, the essence, of these banished revolutionaries, is ceremonially muted by ritual, and gleefully crushed under, grandiose edifices, that serve Religion Inc. "And the meek shall inherit the earth", an incendiary thought, conveniently discarded, for the pie in the sky that must be sought. The tragedy of the banished revolutionaries, stings. stabs, whispers still, for us to hear, through the din of the cacophony of prayer. Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, Ram. The tragedy of the banished revolutionaries, persists, each day that we choose, to shun the meek, and mouth conscience-salving prayers, for yet more silver, and yet more silk.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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