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Abel Poems - Poems about Abel

Abel Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abel to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abel.

Happy Birthday Abel Belin
Momma loves you Aunty loves you Uncle loves you Grandma's at work or Bingo Papas with Grandma EVERYONE LOVES YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHI YAZHII...Read the rest...
Categories: abel, birthday, blessing, child, day,
Form: Free verse
Abel Turns a Rebel
Why would Bearer of Abel Be acting like Full Rebel, Laughing at Nation’s Anthem In songs killing its Rhythm? A lot of smear on her rubbed While trying to have her snubbed; Already gone a long way To from her break clean...Read the rest...
Categories: abel, africa, conflict, confusion, political,
Form: Rhyme

Careless Abel Was Not Able
At first, it was like a fable That a strung-up cable Would be perfectly able To remain stable As far as a far-off table But this, magically, did The openness of a pot without lid … And The Doubting his shame...Read the rest...
Categories: abel, corruption, image, money, sports,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Alan Abel - Professional Hoaxer
He lied He’d died! Alan Abel faked his death and an obituary was published in the New York Times on 2nd January 1980, On January 3, 1980, he held a press conference and said "reports of...Read the rest...
Categories: abel, conflict, death,
Form: Footle
Abel Tasman - Diary 1642
ABEL TASMAN - DIARY 1642 Long since we left the quay, My glass has scanned the astral dome. Bright though these stars may be, They are not the stars...Read the rest...
Categories: abel, stars,
Form: Verse

Premium Member Cain and Abel
The story of Cain and Abel is also a history of Yang and Yin when pitted against each other rather than regeneratively struggling with creative tensions. Cain was a hunter, a predator killing other blooded species for nutritional purposes, competing against other self-defensive...Read the rest...
Categories: abel, bible, conflict, gender, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Abel the Shameless Adulterer
Abel, the armored lancer, was a shameless adulterer not able to give up for an hour the company of beautiful Anabel; " I'm allowed to court anyone! " he squeaked out aloud, " Why must an adulteress be...Read the rest...
Categories: abel, absence, adventure, beautiful, betrayal,
Form: Free verse
Free Cee Some Are Unable To Listen To Abel
SOME ARE UNABLE TO LISTEN TO ABEL One would have to be on dope to believe where ther's life there is hope" that which I maintain was proved by Abel and Cain and I say where thereis ...Read the rest...
Categories: abel, angst, life, life, me,
Form: Quatrain
Free Cee Some Are Unable To Listen To Abel
SOME ARE UNABLE TO LISTEN TO ABEL One would have to be a dope to believe “where there’s life there is hope that which I maintain was proved by Abel and Cain and I say where there’s life...Read the rest...
Categories: abel, angst, life, life, me,
Form: Quatrain
Cain and Abel of September 11th
On September 11th, In the early morning, When my train stopped In the New Jersey fields, I saw the Twin Towers. Painted by sunrays Into a golden tone, they were Climbing the New York City's Peaceful blue sky. Two magnificent...Read the rest...
Categories: abel, inspirational, people, people, september,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Cain & Abel
Adam & Eve had Cain then they were blessed with Abel, two sons. Abel was the herdsman while Cain was a farmer Cain bringing an offering to the Lord of the fruits of the ground; Abel, meanwhile, gave Him the firstborn of...Read the rest...
Categories: abel, inspirational
Form: Free verse
Cain and Abel
When Abel gave his baby lambs to God, they were accepted. But when Cain gave God some vegetables, they were rejected. Cain was jealous so he grabbed a rock and beat poor Abel to death. He tried to...Read the rest...
Categories: abel, brother, faith, on writing
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry