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Abel the Shameless Adulterer

Abel, the armored lancer, was a shameless adulterer not able to give up for an hour the company of beautiful Anabel; " I'm allowed to court anyone! " he squeaked out aloud, " Why must an adulteress be cursed, to me it's superstitious! I prefer sensual Anabel! She never denies my desires! I won't bow and crawl! No angry Pope can make me cow!" " I am joining the Crusaders and take Anabel with me, in Jerusalem I will announce my bethrothal to her; ah, my gracious wife Mary, you won't be so merry! If they arrest me, a bale of jewel will guarantee my bail!" And if the infidels kill me, " Anabel, send a message to my beloved Mary: " I ask to be forgiven, not forgotten...I was very unfaithful to you; in every battle I saw your devoted face so tearful, it was terrible... I am too troubled and traumatized by this guilt which will bring me death."

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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